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      0, cscart_categories.usergroup_ids
      1, cscart_categories.usergroup_ids
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      0, cscart_products.usergroup_ids
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  AND cscart_ec_table_booking_system.product_id = 286634 
  cscart_products.product_id = 286634 
  AND (
    companies.status IN ('A') 
    OR cscart_products.company_id = 0

Query time 0.00202

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286634 WM5472YR P A 539 0.00 1 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0 1660222617 1669295757 0 N N N D N R N N N Y 10 0 N 0 0 0 0 N 0 P F default a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} product 0 0 A 0 0 0 Y 0.00 0.00 0 2572791271 Letter N N day P en ​BARCELONA 4 DAYS BY PLANE <p><strong>BARCELONA 4 DAYS</strong></p> <p><b>Departure: 30 - 12 -2022<br />990 euro couple</b></p> <p></p> <p>Included:</p> <p>1. Round trip by plane Tirana - Barcelona - Tirana.</p> <p>2. Transfers and Bus Tours.</p> <p>  3. Hotel accommodation.</p> <p>4. Breakfast for all travel days.</p> <p>5. Albanian companion during the stay outside Albania.</p> <p>6. Only one bag with dimensions up to 40 x 20 x 25 cm is allowed on the plane. (Attention - Over these dimensions and Baggage for check-in there are extra costs).</p> <p><br /></p> <p>Not included are:</p> <p>  - Entrances to monuments and museums.</p> <p>Only the Trip to Montserrat costs €15.</p> <p>The ticket for the Sagrada Family costs 30 euros</p> <p>The ticket to visit Park Guell costs 11 euros</p> <p>   Attention: If the entry criteria become impossible for the organization of the trip, the payment is returned, without the ticket value, the value of which remains with the airline, We will carry out the procedure for the return of this value as well, but we do not guarantee its return .</p> <p><br /></p> <p>TOUR DETAILS<br />Day One: Direct flight Tirana - Barcelona. Departure from Tirana at 19.20, Arrival in Barcelona at 22.10. Transfer to Hotel. Accommodation and Hotel Accommodation.</p> <p>Day Two: Breakfast at the Hotel. Walk on Passeig de Gracia boulevard, the boulevard with the best brands in the city as well as the place where the Villas with the most unique architecture in the city are located such as Casa Mila, Majestic hotel, Casa Batllo, Casa Amatller, Casa Lleo i Morera and the central square of the city . , Plaça Catalunya, the place where the statue of Cesk Macia is located. It continues in the Gothic of Barcelona, with the Palace of Catalan Musicians, a very beautiful work of Louis Domenech i Montaner. It ends with Placita de la Seu Square, where Barcelona's Cathedral of Saint Eulalia is located.</p> <p>Day Three: Breakfast at the Hotel. Morning, Visit: the wonderful Park Guell, designed by Antoni Gaudi, the Sagrada Familia, the Cathedral and the symbol, which is also of the city of Barcelona, the Aquarium of Barcelona, the Parc de la Ciutadella where there are the Castle of the three dragons, the Cascada Monument as well as Arc de Triomphe and Torre Agbar. Afternoon, visit: Espania Square and Monjuic Hill where the Olympic Stadium and Olympic Squares are located, Museu Catalan d'Arts. The walk continues to the Port of Cruises where there is the Mirador de Colom, the statue of Christopher Columbus, Las Rambas shopping street, where there is an architectural masterpiece of Antoni Gaudí, Palau Guell and the wonderful Plaza Reial. The visit continues: the Olympic Marina with the two highest towers, as Hotel Arts and Mapfre and to the FC Barcelona stadium to visit the museum and the stadium of the city team. Overnight at the Hotel.</p> <p>Fourth Day: Breakfast at the Hotel. Optional: Visit to Montserrat, where the Monastery of Montserrat is located. Late afternoon, Transfer to Barcelona Airport. Direct flight Barcelona - Tirana. Departure from Barcelona at 15.30. Arrival in Tirana at 18.30.</p> <p>Not included:</p> <p>1. Round trip by plane Tirana - Barcelona - Tirana.<br />2. Transfers and Bus Tours.<br />3. Hotel accommodation.<br />4. Breakfast for all travel days.<br />5. Albanian companion during the stay outside Albania.<br />6. Only one bag with dimensions up to 40 x 20 x 25 cm is allowed on the plane. (Attention - Over these dimensions and Baggage for check-in there are extra costs).</p> <p>Not cheap include:<br />- Entrances to monuments and museums.</p> <p>Only the Trip to Montserrat costs €15.<br />The ticket for the Sagrada Family costs 30 euros<br />The ticket to visit Park Guell costs 11 euros<br /> <br />Careful:<br />If the entry criteria become impossible for the organization of the trip, the payment is returned, minus the ticket value, the value of which remains with the Airline,<br />We will carry out the procedure for the return of this value as well, but we do not guarantee its return.</p> Barcelone, Spanje, turizem Tourist trip to Barcelona Barcelone, Spanje, turizem BARCELONA 4 DAYS <p><b>Departure: 30 - 12 -2022</b><br /></p> <p><b>990  euro couple</b></p> <p><strong></strong></p> 495.00000000 10050M 15673 Marco Travel barcelone-4-dite 9996/10050 B