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      0, cscart_categories.usergroup_ids
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      0, cscart_products.usergroup_ids
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  cscart_products.product_id = 271482 
  AND (
    companies.status IN ('A') 
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Query time 0.00252

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271482 WM7531KM P A 551 0.00 1 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0 1651580685 1694688378 0 N N N B N R N N N Y 10 0 N 0 0 0 0 N 0 P F default a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} activity 0 0 A 0 0 0 Y 0.00 0.00 0 2817805656 Letter N N day P en Toy Boomerang Spinner Indiegogo 360 <p> </p><p>Information:</p><p>3C configuration category: other toys under 14 years old<br /></p><p>Power supply mode: battery<br />Color: induction spinner<br />material: plastic<br />Control method: remote control<br />Applicable age: children (4-6 years old)</p><p>Safety: Sealed housing exterior. It is durable and can withstand impact. You are encouraged to pay more attention when recharging it due to its special and secure design.</p><p>Who says magic doesn't exist? Follow the floating sphere with your hands, use your skills to move the sphere as it floats in the air</p><p>Coolcool: is like controlling the energy of a meteor through the starry sky!</p><p>Explore: Unlock and explore the endless possibilities. Now it's time to introduce your technology<br />Gift: Surprise someone with this ex gift</p> <p>Meet the Flynova Pro – the motorized flying spinner that floats, glides, and climbs through the air at your command, then returns to your hand like a boomerang. It lets you light up any room with incredible acrobatic tricks that get people asking, “How’d you do that?” And now with an optional magic controller, you’ll have even greater control as you fly higher, go further, and perform more dazzling stunts than ever. <br />Safety tested for use with children, it’s the worry-free way to keep you and your loved ones entertained for hours. All while learning new skills, improving your hand-eye-coordination, and getting up off the couch and onto your feet. It’s the perfect cure for lockdown boredom and too much screentime. And the best part is, you can do it any time. With anyone. Anywhere. Really… anywhere. If you’ve got a backyard, a rec room, or even a kitchen, the Flynova Pro will bring hours of fun and challenge to anyone you play with</p> <p></p> Electronics, technology, technology, engineering, gadgets, iphone, electrical, Web Maro, 999917501, GRspartakos, Arduino, electronic, instagood, robotics, instatech, electrical engineering, gadget, smartphone, Samsung, innovation, apple, diy, mobile, ra guaranteed products, high quality, low prices Electronics, technology, technology, engineering, gadgets, iphone, electrical, Web Maro, 999917501, GRspartakos, Arduino, electronic, instagood, robotics, instatech, electrical engineering, gadget, smartphone, Samsung, innovation, apple, diy, mobile, ra Toy Boomerang Spinner Indiegogo 360-GRspartakos <h3>Price for transport:</h3><h3> Inside Greece 5 € </h3> <h3> Outside Greece 8 € </h3> <p> </p> <p> </p> 15.00000000 7862M 79617 Lagress toy-boomerang-spinner-indiegogo-360 6473/7769/7862 B N 14/09/2023 14/09/2023 0 0 N N