  cscart_vendor_plan_descriptions.plan, as seo_name, 
  cscart_seo_names.path as seo_path, 
  ) AS average_rating, 
    IF (
  ) AS company_thread_ids, 
  cscart_companies AS companies 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_company_descriptions AS company_descriptions ON company_descriptions.company_id = companies.company_id 
  AND company_descriptions.lang_code = 'en' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_vendor_plan_descriptions ON companies.plan_id = cscart_vendor_plan_descriptions.plan_id 
  AND cscart_vendor_plan_descriptions.lang_code = 'en' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_seo_names ON cscart_seo_names.object_id = 665 
  AND cscart_seo_names.type = 'm' 
  AND cscart_seo_names.dispatch = '' 
  AND cscart_seo_names.lang_code = 'en' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_discussion ON cscart_discussion.object_id = companies.company_id 
  AND cscart_discussion.object_type = 'M' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_discussion_posts ON cscart_discussion_posts.thread_id = cscart_discussion.thread_id 
  AND cscart_discussion_posts.status = 'A' 
  LEFT JOIN cscart_discussion_rating ON cscart_discussion.thread_id = cscart_discussion_rating.thread_id 
  AND cscart_discussion_rating.post_id = cscart_discussion_posts.post_id 
  companies.company_id = 665

Query time 0.00150

JSON explain

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665 sq <p></p> <p>Historia e VESELIT nis qe ne vitin 2007. Pas jetes si emigrat i dy vellezerve ne Itali,vuajtjeve dhe peripecive,arriten te benin nje investim modest te prolizuar si nje pike katramaje. Me kalimin e kohes dhe me besimin e tuar nga klientet VESEli lloi bashkepunimi me fabrika prestigjoze ne Itali dhe Spanje gje qe ndikoi ne shtimin e produkte si Pllaka.Games se produkteve ju shtuan edhe hidrosanitare ,mobilje tualeti,parket,katrama. </p> <p>Motoja jone eshte klient i kenaqur - burimi i suksesit.</p> <p>Pasi besimi i tyre per cilesine e ofruar me cmime konkuruese ka bere qe Veseli te rritet cdo dite. </p> <p><br /></p> veseli, pllaka, hidrosanitare, emigrante, shqiperi, kruje, albania, tiles, itali, europe, peripeci, investim, katrama, kliente, bashkepunim, fabrika, spanje, produkte, cilesi, cmim, kohe, mobilje, tualet, parket, kenaqesi, kenaqur, sukses, ​Historia e VESELIT nis qe ne vitin 2007. Pas jetes si emigrat i dy vellezerve ne Itali,vuajtjeve dhe peripecive,arriten te benin nje investim modest te prolizuar si nje pike katramaje. Me kalimin e kohes dhe me besimin e tuar nga klientet VESEli filloi b Veseli&P shpk Veseli&P shpk Qender , nr 52 [Borizane] Fkruje, 1502, Kruje Albania Kruje A Veseli&P shpk Qender , nr 52 [Borizane] Fkruje, 1502, Kruje Albania Kruje 32 AL 1502 +355694002725 none Y 1673466988 0 N N N 14 283307824 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Marco Travel veseli-and-p-shpk 665_0