    cscart_product_descriptions.short_description = '' 
    OR cscart_product_descriptions.short_description IS NULL, 
  ) AS full_description 
  cscart_product_descriptions.product_id IN (415219, 415312) 
  AND cscart_product_descriptions.lang_code = 'en'

Query time 0.00051

JSON explain

  "query_block": {
    "select_id": 1,
    "cost_info": {
      "query_cost": "2.81"
    "table": {
      "table_name": "cscart_product_descriptions",
      "access_type": "range",
      "possible_keys": [
      "key": "PRIMARY",
      "used_key_parts": [
      "key_length": "9",
      "rows_examined_per_scan": 2,
      "rows_produced_per_join": 2,
      "filtered": "100.00",
      "cost_info": {
        "read_cost": "2.41",
        "eval_cost": "0.40",
        "prefix_cost": "2.81",
        "data_read_per_join": "13K"
      "used_columns": [
      "attached_condition": "((`webmarco`.`cscart_product_descriptions`.`product_id` in (415219,415312)) and (`webmarco`.`cscart_product_descriptions`.`lang_code` = 'en'))"


product_id short_description full_description
415219 <p>Organizator pentru pantofi, pentru 30 de perechi<br /></p><p>Suport Raft pentru Depozitare Incaltaminte, Capacitate 30 Perechi de Pantofi, Culoare Negru</p> <p>Proiectat pentru companii, magazine, birouri, case particulare.</p> <p>Evitati momentele, cand dimineata sunteti grabit si cautati prin dulap pantofii aruncati in dezordine.</p> <p>Suportul pentru pantofi va garanteaza ordinea pantofilor dvs. In plus, suportul poate fi depozitat in locuri inguste, nise etc, in balcon, subsol, mansarda sub scara etc.</p> <p>Suportul se asambleaza usor, fara instrumente sau accesorii suplimentare. Trebuie doar sa fixati barele metalice in orificiile existente in panourile laterale din material plastic. Daca este necesar, puteti renunta la anumite bare astfel incat veti putea crea mai mult spatiu, pentru cutii sau dupa necesitati.</p> <p>Suportul pentru pantofi va va ajuta sa faceti economie de spatiu. Practic si robust, va depozita in ordine pana la 30 perechi de pantofi. Se instaleaza usor fiind modular. Dispozitivul are un design ergonomic, permitand depozitarea pantofilor, sandalelor, bocancilor sau incaltamintei sport intr-un spatiu foarte redus. Acest suport de tip organizator va va aduce mai multa ordine in casa, incaltari mai trainice si ingrijite si chiar spatiu suplimentar.</p> <p>Caracteristicile produsului:<br />- usor<br />- usor de instalat<br />- dupa demontare, ocupa putin spatiu<br />- parti din plastic, eco - cu tuburi de metal<br />- capacitate pana la 30 de perechi de pantofi<br />- pe mai multe niveluri - economie de spatiu<br />- posibilitatea de a adauga sau scadea diferite niveluri de rafturi<br />- construite cu 3 segmente, care pot fi combinate pentru a obtine o inaltime mai mare</p><p></p>
415312 <p>Organizer support for shoes, for 30 pairs</p> <p>Shelf Support for Shoe Storage, Capacity 30 Pairs of Shoes, Color Black<br />Designed for companies, shops, offices, private homes. Avoid the moments when you are in a hurry in the morning and look through the closet for shoes thrown in disarray.<br />The shoe rack guarantees the order of your shoes. In addition, the rack can be stored in narrow places, niches, etc., in the balcony, basement, attic under the stairs, etc.<br />The support is easily assembled, without additional tools or accessories. You just need to fix the metal bars in the existing holes in the plastic side panels. If necessary, you can give up certain bars so that you can create more space, for boxes or as needed.<br />The shoe rack will help you save space. Practical and robust, it will store up to 30 pairs of shoes in order. It is easy to install, being modular. The device has an ergonomic design, allowing the storage of shoes, sandals, boots or sports shoes in a very small space. This organizer type support will bring you more order in the house, more durable and well-kept shoes and even additional space.<br />Product features:<br />- Easy<br />- easy to install<br />- after disassembly, it takes up little space<br />- plastic parts, eco - with metal tubes<br />- capacity up to 30 pairs of shoes<br />- on several levels - saving space<br />- the possibility of adding or subtracting different levels of shelves<br />- built with 3 segments, which can be combined to obtain a greater height</p><p></p>