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      0, cscart_categories.usergroup_ids
      1, cscart_categories.usergroup_ids
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      0, cscart_products.usergroup_ids
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  cscart_products.product_id = 279396 
  AND (
    companies.status IN ('A') 
    OR cscart_products.company_id = 0

Query time 0.00241

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279396 WM1362HF_E13C P A 539 0.00 1 0.000 0 0 0 0.00 0 1655122734 1659202550 0 N N N D N R N N N Y 10 0 N 0 0 0 0 N 0 P F default a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} product 0 0 A 0 0 0 Y 0.00 0.00 0 633937547 Letter N N day P en CRYSTAL CENTRO RESORT KUNDU 5 * ANTALYA CITY <p> <strong> PACKAGE INCLUDES: </strong> <br /> </p> <p> -Flight with Air Albania (Tirana - Antalya - Tirana) <br /> TIA - (Tirana) 08:30 - AYT - (Antalya) 11:20 <br /> AYT - (Antalya) 12:20 - TIA - (Tiranë) 13:25 </p> <p> -Transport from Airport to Hotel. <br /> -Accommodation in Hotel for 7 nights and 8 days. <br /> - Double Room - Standard Room Land View - Ultimate All Inclusive (Depending on the package you choose food, drinks, activities and entertainment are included in the resort reservation price.) </p> <p> <em> * The price of the package is for two people. <br /> * Accommodation in a hotel for 1 child is free. </em> </p> <p> <br /> </p> <p> This property is 5 minutes walk from the beach. Just a short drive from Antalya city center, opposite Lara beach, this beachfront hotel impresses you with its unique pool landscape, large garden and numerous facilities. Selective cuisine can be enjoyed in the hotel restaurants. Free WiFi access is provided. Spend a family vacation to remember at Crystal Centro Resort - Ultimate All Inclusive. While treating yourself to a professional massage at the wellness center, your children can have fun at the children's pool, which features a large water slide. Younger guests will also appreciate the all-day animation program and mini disco. Guests looking for a more active stay at * Crystal Centro Resort * can try a variety of water sports, including canoeing, scuba diving and sailing. Work out in the fitness room or enjoy a swim in the indoor pool. Tennis enthusiasts can use the court on the court. Every summer, * Crystal Centro Resort * is home to a number of dance groups, magicians and other artists. Listen to live music while having a drink at the piano bar, open 24 hours a day. Comprehensive offers also include drinks at the pool bar, beach bar and disco bar. Each of the guest rooms includes a balcony, some of which overlook the water. Enjoy a meal in the comfort of your modern and spacious room. Antalya International Airport is 15 km from Crystal Centro Resort - Ultimate All Inclusive. This is Lara's favorite part of our guests, according to independent estimates. </p> <p> <br /> <strong> Crystal Centro Resort - Ultimate All Inclusive </strong> </p> <p> Check available dates </p> <p> <strong> Most popular places </strong> </p> <p> 2 pools </p> <p> Spa and Wellness Center </p> <p> Non-smoking rooms </p> <p> Fitness center </p> <p> Facilities for guests with disabilities </p> <p> Room service </p> <p> Free WiFi </p> <p> Bar </p> <p> Private beach area </p> <p> <strong> 2 POOLS </strong> </p> <ul> <li> Pool 1 - Indoor Free! </li> <li> Pool 2 - Outdoor Free! </li> </ul> <p> SPA </p> <ul> <li> Fitness </li> <li> Massage chairs </li> <li> Spa / wellness package </li> <li> Spa lounge / relaxation area </li> <li> Spa facilities </li><li> Body cleansing </li> <li> Body treatments </li> <li> Hair styling </li> <li> Hair coloring </li> <li> Haircut </li><li> Pedicure </li> <li> Manicure </li> <li> Hair treatments </li> <li> Make up services </li> <li> Depilation services </li><li> Facial treatments </li> <li> Beauty services </li> <li> Sun umbrellas </li> <li> Water slides </li> <li> Public baths</li><li> Hammam</li><li> Massage for an additional fee </li> <li> Spa and Wellness center Additional fee </li> <li> Fitness center </li> <li> Sauna <br /></li> </ul><p> OTHERS </p> <ul> <li> Private beach area </li> <li> Garden </li> </ul> <p> <br /> ACTIVITIES </p> <ul> <li> Beach </li> <li> Water Park </li> <li> Evening Fun </li> <li> Kids Club </li> <li> Nightclub / DJ</li><li> Fun staff </li> <li> Darts </li> <li> Windsurfing Extra charge </li> <li> Table tennis </li> <li> Billiards </li> <li> Square children's playground </li> <li> Playroom </li> <li> Tennis court </li> </ul> <p> <br /> FOOD & DRINK </p> <ul> <li> Fruits </li> <li> Baby food </li> <li> Snack bar </li> <li> Breakfast in the room </li> <li> Bar</li><li> Restaurant</li></ul> <p> <br /> INTERNET </p> <p> WiFi is available in public areas and is free of charge. </p> <p> PARKING </p> <p> Free public parking is possible on site (reservation is not required). </p> <ul> <li> Accessible parking </li> <li> Street parking </li> </ul> <p> <br /> TRANSPORT </p> <p> Public transport tickets Additional payment </p> <p> <br /> RECEPTION SERVICES </p> <ul> <li> Luggage storage </li> <li> Tour desk </li> <li> Currency exchange </li> <li> 24-hour front desk </li> </ul> <p><br /></p><p> CLEANING SERVICES </p> <ul> <li> Daily housekeeping </li> <li> Ironing service Extra fee </li> <li> Dry cleaning Extra charge </li> <li> Laundry Extra fee</li></ul><p> <br /> BUSINESS OBJECTS </p> <ul> <li> Fax / photocopy Additional charge </li> <li> Meeting / banquet facilities Additional charge </li> </ul> <p> <br /> SECURITY </p> <ul> <li> Fire extinguishers </li> <li> CCTV outside the property </li> <li> CCTV in common areas </li> <li> Smoke alarms </li> <li> 24 hour security</li> <li> Safe </li> </ul> <p> <br /> GENERAL </p> <ul> <li> Minimarket on site </li> <li> Shared lounge / TV area </li> <li> Designated smoking area </li> <li> Air conditioning </li> <li> No smoking at all </li> <li> Heating </li> <li> Car rental </li> <li> Removal </li> <li> Family room</li><li> Barber / beauty shop</li><li> Facilities for disabled guests </li> <li> Non-smoking room </li> <li> Room service </li> </ul> <p> <br /> SPOKEN LANGUAGES </p> <ul> <li> German </li> <li> English </li> <li> French </li> <li> Dutch </li> <li> Russian </li> <li> Turkish </li> </ul> <p> <strong> HOTEL RULES: </strong> <br /> Entrance: 14:00 Departure: 12:00 </p> <p> </p> Hotel, resort, vacation, antalya, turkey, lara, kundu, travel, family resort, marco travel, This property is 5 minutes walk from the beach. Only a short drive from Antalya city center, facing Lara Beach, this beach-front hotel impresses with its unique pool landscape, large garden and numerous facilities. Hotel, resort, vacation, antalya, turkey, lara, kundu, travel, family resort, marco travel, CRYSTAL CENTRO RESORT KUNDU 5 * ANTALYA CITY <p> <strong> * Price is for monthly payment. </strong> </p> <p> 12-month financing is offered by Credins Bank with 0% interest. </p> <p> </p> 155.00000000 10057M 82946 Marco Travel crystal-centro-resort-kundu-5-antalya-city 9996/10051/10057