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product_id short_description full_description
285800 <p>***Get quality treatments at a reasonable price in the best hospitals with international standards from specialist surgeons in the  dental treatment department.</p> <p><br /></p> <p>Included in the package: </p> <p><br /></p> <p>-Flight  (Tirana - Antalya - Tirana) </p> <p>-Local trips ( airport-hotel-hospital)</p> <p>-Accommodation  at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">HOTEL </a></p> <p>-2 ADULT Standard Room </p> <p>-Dental Treatment</p> <p><br /></p> <h2>How do <a href="">dental implants</a> work in Dental Treatments?</h2> <p>Since they enable us to be able to eat and have a beautiful and charming smile. In the case of a tooth loss, dental implants provide a wonderful opportunity to replace a single missing tooth or several missing teeth. </p> <p>Dental treatments is incusive of dental implants In this procedure, firstly, titanium screws are fused into the jawbone providing a stable support system for the artificial teeth. Functionality and the aesthetic of the theet is restored for the patient.</p> <h2>Can you benefit from dental implants in dental treatments?</h2> <p>Patients with tooth deficiency experience functional and aesthetic problems. In the absence of teeth, they would not be able to chew effectively. The reason is that tooth loss causes the bite to change. Also, it may cause problems in the jaw joint. Besides, due to the aesthetic problems and speech disorders that may occur. Thus, can result with lower self-confidence within the patients.</p> <p>Dental implants are an ideal option for good oral health. Especially, in patients who have lost their teeth due to periodontal disease, caries, trauma, or any other reason. In the areas where teeth are missing, the jawbone starts to melt over time. The application of the implant after tooth extraction significantly reduces the same. It is a more protective application than traditional bridges. Since, it does not receive support from neighboring teeth. You can take advantage of dental implants if;</p> <ul><li>You have the last teeth are missing in the jaws</li><li>Need a fixed prosthesis (such as a crown or bridge) but not suitable</li><li>When you do not want to have a removable dental prosthesis</li><li>When your jawbone becomes obscured in completely edentulous mouths</li></ul> <p>In addition to the above, <a href="">crowns</a> are used to prevent the breaking of weak teeth, as a superstructure of the dental implant. Also to cover the broken, deformed, or discolored teeth. It has a structure that will fully support the daily life functions of the crown coating application applied with advanced techniques.</p> <h2>What are <a href="">dental crowns</a>? </h2> <p>In dental treatments, a dental crown is expressed as the part of the tooth visible from the outside. It is a treatment method to achieve the lost visual and functional qualities on the surface of the mouth. Which is the first part that comes into contact with food. Crown coating is applied as a tooth coating method in dentistry. It has a very durable structure. Since it is resistant to high rates of bite pressures, it compares with the results closest to the original teeth. It is in terms of functional properties.</p> <h2>How are dental crowns implemented?</h2> <p>Problems such as breaking and deformation of the protective enamel layer on the tooth due affects chewing. Thus, a decrease in the chewing function can be reasons for the implementation of the crown. In such cases, the artificial structures created in certain molds depend on the measurements taken by the dental technicians. They are applied to the problematic area. As in every dental treatments, it is only after adjusting the chewing and speaking functions to match with the patient’s preference.  </p> <p>The tooth is incised in order to attach the crown to the relevant part of the tooth. Making the incision is to ensure that the teeth coated with the natural teeth are the same. Also, to protect the naturalness in terms of appearance of teeth.</p> <h3>What are dental bridges in dental treatments?</h3> <p>Dental bridge application is a treatment method for tooth loss. It is a treatment method applied by taking support from other teeth in the area where there is a tooth cavity or tooth loss. Fully functional and aesthetical teeth is one of the factors that directly increase the quality of life. In this respect, you should contact a credited and highly experienced medical professional for possible deficiencies and the solution.</p> <h3>What are the advantages of dental bridges?</h3> <ul><li><b>Long lifetime:</b> With good oral hygiene, they are durable for 10 to 20 years.</li><li><b>Short treatment time:</b> If you are suitable to receive dental bridges, your new teeth can be prepared within a week.</li><li><b>Natural and aesthetic appearance:</b> The bridge replaces your missing teeth and offers a natural and aesthetic appearance.</li><li><b>Treatment Success:</b> These treatments are one of the simplest and most successful treatments in dental practices.</li><li><b>Comfortable Use:</b> Dental bridges eliminate aesthetics, chewing, and speech disorders. Also, the problems caused by missing teeth. Dental bridge treatment is a very comfortable treatment.</li></ul> <h3>What is teeth whitening in dental treatments?</h3> <p>In accordance with the previous tone by removing the stains that penetrate the structure of the teeth (enamel and dentin layer). These stains can exist due to various reasons. The natural color of the teeth darken over time. The discolorations on the teeth can be removed by cleaning and polishing the tartar. However, it is possible to remove the discolorations in this way or to lighten the tooth’s own color a few more tones. The teeth whitening method, which is a more protective method, is applied and at the end of this process, the teeth can be opened up to eight to ten tons depending on the condition.</p> <h3>How long does whitening keep its effect?</h3> <p>After bleaching, the color of the teeth does not return to its original color, but some discoloration occurs between 6 months and up to two years. This coloration differs according to nutritional habits. 6 months after bleaching, a checkup is recommended and if necessary, tartar cleaning, polishing, and once home whitening can be applied.</p> <h2>What is smile design?</h2> <p>Smile design is the application for obtaining a natural and aesthetic appearance of teeth and gums. Which have deteriorated aesthetically while considering both the facial shapes and the needs of the patient. Every patient laughs differently and it is possible to say that everyone has a unique smile. Reflecting the mood of the patients, laughing is also among the indicators that have significant effects on mood. Thanks to the studies in the field of aesthetic dentistry, anyone who has problems with their teeth and gums can have a more pleasant and aesthetic smile.</p> <h3>What are the advantages of smile design?</h3> <p>Every patient has an aesthetic smile after smile design applications. A significant improvement occurs in the tooth structure. Besides, patients can receive the harmony of the teeth with the lips and the face. In this way, teeth have gained a brighter and more vibrant structure. In addition, patients gain various advantages in terms of both dental and oral health.</p> <p>One of the most important factors in smile design is age. Besides, it also holds an important position that the dentist who will operate is an expert in his/her field and remains in contact with the patient to meet the patient’s expectations during the procedures.</p> <h3>What processes does smile design involve?</h3> <p>The aesthetic needs of each patient will be different. Thus, the dental procedures will be customized patient by patient.</p> <p>First of all, existing decayed teeth and gum diseases are treated before the smile design. Afterwards, procedures are applied further for the best-customized design.</p> <h2>What is tooth extraction?</h2> <p>Tooth extraction is the surgical removal of the tooth from its socket in the bone. Which is performed by a dentist or oral surgeon as an outpatient procedure performed relatively quickly. Tooth extraction can be performed with local, general, intravenous anesthesia, or a combination.</p> <p>Simple tooth extraction is the technique for the extraction of the teeth that appear in the mouth while the patient is under the influence of local anesthesia.</p> <h3>Why may tooth extractions be needed?</h3> <p>Tooth extraction may be necessary for patients due to multiple reasons. The most common one is that teeth are damaged beyond repair due to trauma or decay. Besides, dentists may consider tooth extraction especially when patients require orthodontic treatment with a large number of teeth that do not fully fit in the jaw. Also:</p> <ul><li>An embedded tooth extraction operation is necessary for teeth that have not grown on the gum, or for 20-year-old teeth.</li><li>For instance, if tooth decay or damage has spread to the tooth pulp, the core of nerves, and blood vessels in the tooth. If not prevented bacteria in the mouth can enter from here and cause infection. Also if there is a severe tooth decay, it can be corrected with root canal treatment.</li><li>If the teeth are loosened due to periodontal disease tooth extraction is necessary. Periodontal disease is a gum disease, which is an infection of the tissues and bones surrounding and supporting the teeth.</li></ul> <h2>What are dental fillings?</h2> <p>Dental fillings applied to teeth that are decayed, broken, or cracked. For the decayed teeth to restore their functions, the teeth are renewed with various processes and substances.</p> <p>A dental filling is a widely used application since the past. This method, which is applied without waiting and wasting time, prevents the loss of the tooth completely.</p> <h3>Can you have dental filling?</h3> <p>If you are suitable to receive dental filling treatment due to below reasons, you can benefit from this dental treatment. These reasons are:</p> <ul><li>Tooth decays;</li><li>Broken teeth;</li><li>Cracked tooth.</li></ul> <h4>Are dental fillings painful?</h4> <p>A dental filling is a simple process-requiring dental treatment. In teeth that need root canal treatment, anesthesia performed at several points during the dental treatment. No pain felt during the procedure.</p> <h2>What is <a href="">root canal treatment</a>?</h2> <p>The part we call pulp is the space in the middle of the tooth. Which is located under the enamel and dentin layer. The portion of this space at the crown of the tooth called the pulp chamber. This gap, which continues along the root of the tooth, becomes a small channel by narrowing.</p> <p>Molars are located in the posterior part of the mouth and usually have two or three roots. Other teeth have a root too. In teeth with more than one root, each root has its channel; each root canal ends with a small hole at the root end. The pulp chamber and root canals contain living tissues called the pulp. Where vessels and nerves are extending into the jawbone that divides into branches. These veins and nerves nourish the pulp through the bloodstream and protect it against infection.</p> <p>Nerves are just a part of the living tissues that make up the pulp. Bacteria are the cause of the infection in the pulp. The bacteria move towards the pulp through tooth decay or fracture, the bacterial invasion first begins in the pulp chamber and washes the defenses. It then proceeds along the root canal and completely damages the pulp. Root canal treatment exists to save the decayed or infected tooth.</p> <h2>What are <a href="">zirconium crowns</a>?</h2> <p>Zirconium crowns white-colored substance used in tooth coating. Due to its color, light transmittance, and durability, it is most popular in dental treatments. It is a revolutionary type of coating after metal over porcelain in dentistry. Zirconium tooth coating provides a more natural appearance compared to metal-supported crowns.</p> <h3>What are its advantages of Zirconium Crowns?</h3> <ul><li>Zirconium tooth coating provides a natural appearance and has light transmittance that is very close to our natural tooth.</li><li>Compatibility with gums is very good. Especially when compared than traditional porcelain over metal. While porcelain over metal can cause a purplish appearance on the gums, this is not the case with zirconium.</li><li>Zirconium tooth coating may preferred, as it will provide you with the closest view to natural teeth, especially when you have your anterior teeth.</li><li>Some of our patients may experience allergies to metal-based porcelain coatings that it is more biologically compatible.</li><li>Less tooth tissue cut from the tooth to made out of zirconium. Because, in traditional porcelain over metal, the tooth tissue cut more to reduce the grayish appearance that will reflect from the metal and to provide a more natural appearance.</li><li>Since fewer cuts made on the teeth to aesthetically veneered. It also expected to be less hot and cold sensitive.</li><li>If a single tooth to be plated, it is more appropriate to make zirconium teeth because it cannot be distinguished due to their similarity to natural teeth.</li></ul> <h2>What are porcelain crowns?</h2> <p>The process of covering the teeth of a patient with tooth-shaped materials to protect the teeth that suffer from excessive material loss for many reasons called a porcelain crown.</p> <h3>In which situations are porcelain crowns applied?</h3> <p>When a patient wants to change the form and color of the teeth for reasons such as dental aesthetics, a porcelain crown can be applied. Besides, porcelain crowns can be applied to protect the teeth with excessive loss of substance if there is less dental tissue due to root canal treatment.</p> <p>Apart from this, if the porcelain coatings made before need to change, then porcelain crown application can made. Dental porcelains used to create a beautiful and natural tooth shape for porcelain crowns. Porcelain visually resembles natural teeth. However, although they resemble natural teeth, one technique may be more suitable than another technique. This determined by evaluation of needs and expectation of the patient.</p> <h2>What is e-max?</h2> <p><a href="">E-max</a> means maximum aesthetics. It called the best coating in terms of aesthetics.</p> <p>However, this application is a unique opportunity for patients with aesthetic concerns.</p> <h3>What are some advantages of <a href="">e-max</a>?</h3> <p>One of the most beneficial aspects is that it has an aesthetic appearance.</p> <p>Since it has a light transmission, there is no matte appearance. It minimizes tooth sensitivity.</p> <h2>What is Lamina?</h2> <p>Laminas are very fine porcelains that is for the front teeth. Porcelains, whose physical structures made very thin. Thus, theyre strengthened. Within a more conservative approach in dentistry, restorative extraction that requires less tissue that needs to be filed down.</p> <p>Patients can have positive results from the treatment. That is why, its in the commonly used restorative options. Observing highly sensitive techniques, very thin laminas fit very well with the tooth and surrounding tissues.</p> <h3>When are <a href="">porcelain laminates</a> preferred?</h3> <p>Especially in patients who do not satisfied with the color of their teeth. Porcelain or lamina preferred if teeth whitening cannot applicable.</p> <p>Porcelain lamina preferred to correct the deteriorated color and structure of teeth due to fractures. The wear on the teeth is a factor that affects the facial expression of patients. This treatment gives excellent results, especially on the front teeth.</p> <h4>What are the advantages of laminas?</h4> <p>Less intervention on teeth is one of the best advantages of laminates. Due to this reason, it shortens the operation time. This leads to patients being more comfortable. Apart from this, it seen as more conservative treatment in dentistry due to the minimum intervention.</p> <p>Another advantage is that it looks close to natural teeth due to its light transmittance.</p> <p>Reflection at the edge of the gingival that occur in metal-supported porcelain bridges. Besides, since there are no separate sessions. Such as the metal rehearsal, polish, zirconium, infrastructure rehearsal.</p> <p>The rehearsal of lamina porcelain completed in a polished form.</p>