    cscart_product_descriptions.short_description = '' 
    OR cscart_product_descriptions.short_description IS NULL, 
  ) AS full_description 
  cscart_product_descriptions.product_id IN (
    389777, 381625, 381624, 381623, 381622, 
    381621, 381616, 381615, 381614
  AND cscart_product_descriptions.lang_code = 'en'

Query time 0.00062

JSON explain

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      "used_columns": [
      "attached_condition": "((`webmarco`.`cscart_product_descriptions`.`product_id` in (389777,381625,381624,381623,381622,381621,381616,381615,381614)) and (`webmarco`.`cscart_product_descriptions`.`lang_code` = 'en'))"


product_id short_description full_description
381614 <p><b></b>Physical therapy is defined as movement therapy carried out through special medical gymnastics programs, with the aim of restoring diminished or lost functions as well as increasing the functional level in various ailments or after operations.</p> <p>Physiotherapy helps in treating the following conditions of the locomotor system:</p><ul><li>Orthopedic and posttraumatic</li><li>Rheumatic: spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, degenerative rheumatism, soft tissue rheumatism</li><li>Neurological: cerebrovascular accidents, spinal trauma, degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the nervous system, neurological syndromes</li><li>Diseases of the cardiovascular system</li><li>Diseases of the respiratory system</li><li>Neuropsychiatric disorders</li><li>Metabolic disorders (obesity)</li><li>Congenital diseases: neuromuscular dystrophy, congenital dislocation of the hip, tetraplegia, and others.</li></ul>
381615 <p><b></b><strong>Massage </strong>is a natural method of muscle maintenance or healing by stimulating and relaxing them.</p> <p>Massage has many benefits:</p><ul><li>Relapse of stress</li><li>Muscle relaxation</li><li>Improvement of circulation</li><li>Increase of immunity</li><li>Correction of vicious postures</li><li>Reduction of muscle pains Increase of joint flexibility</li></ul> <p><b></b><strong>The relaxation massage</strong> supports the body to regain its general state of well-being, as well as the balance of the nervous system.</p> <p><b></b><strong>Therapeutic massage</strong> is recommended for existing pain in different areas of our body.</p> <p><b></b><strong>The anti-cellulite massage</strong> aims to eliminate fat deposits to make us feel better.</p> <p><strong><b></b>The Trigger Points massage</strong> aims to improve and treat certain ailments by inactivating tension points in the body.</p> <p><strong><b></b>Facial massage</strong> helps maintain skin health. it has a skin-lifting effect, intensifies blood circulation, helps to detoxify the skin and, last but not least, has an anti-aging effect on the skin.</p> <p><strong><b></b>Reflexology</strong> represents the massage of the soles and aims to eliminate toxins and stimulate the functions of the entire body. The sole being also called the map of the whole body, on it we find the most reflexogenic points and they can be worked on the best. We also find reflexogenic points on the palm, face, ear and tongue.</p> <p><b></b><strong>Lymphatic drainage</strong> is a mild form of massage that puts pressure on the lymph nodes. Lymphatic drainage helps to strengthen the immune system, stimulates the circulation of lymph in the intercellular spaces and helps to eliminate toxins.</p>
381616 <p><b></b>Hydrokinetotherapy is the set of physical exercises carried out in water to improve and/or recover the condition of patients with ailments of various etiologies.</p> <p>Exercising in warm water has many benefits: </p> <ul><li>Stimulates muscle relaxation</li><li>Reduces sensitivity to pain</li><li>Reduces muscle spasm</li><li>Increases the range of motion in the joints</li><li>Increases muscle strength and endurance</li><li>It reduces the gravitational force</li><li>It intensifies the superficial circulation</li><li>It stimulates the activity of the respiratory muscles</li><li>Improves proprioception, balance and stability Stimulates self-esteem</li></ul> <p><br /></p>
381621 <p><b></b><strong>Ultrasound therapy</strong> or "deep vibrations" aims to change the temperature inside the tissue to increase blood circulation and cellular metabolism, having an analgesic, antiedematous, muscle relaxant, hyperemic, resorptive and anti-inflammatory effect.</p> <p><b></b><strong>Electrotherapy</strong> uses electrical signals that interfere with the flow of pain neurotransmitters to the brain. In this way the message from the nerve to the brain is modified. Electrotherapy can have an analgesic, muscle relaxant, trophic, antiedematous, hyperemic and vasodilator effect.</p> <p><b></b><strong>Laser therapy</strong> is therapy that uses concentrated light to promote and accelerate the body's natural healing processes.</p> <p><b></b><strong>TECAR therapy</strong> (Capacitive and Resistive Energy Transfer) is one of the most modern treatments successfully used today in physical therapy. It has fast and lasting effects. TECAR radiofrequency therapy transfers high-frequency electromagnetic current through all body tissues and creates a good localization of the thermal effect in the tissue, supporting healing both at the macroscopic and cellular level. Heating the tissues has the effect of increasing the blood supply in the area, the exchange between veins and tissues taking place faster, and thus the tissue is supplied with more oxygen and nutrients in a shorter time. </p> <p>TECAR therapy is used in:</p><ul><li>Orthopedics-traumatology (diseases of the musculoskeletal system);</li><li>Pain therapy (lumbago, lombosciatica);</li><li>Sports medicine;</li><li>Rheumatology (arthrosis, spondylarthrosis);</li><li>Circulatory disorders; Visceral pathologies.</li></ul> <p><strong></strong>The list of conditions treated includes conditions such as radial and ulnar epicondylitis, tendinitis, bursitis, arthrosis, spondylarthrosis, cervicobrachialgia, cervicalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, lumbago, lumbosciatica, trochanteric bursitis, coxaarthrosis, gonarthrosis, ankle sprains, plantar fasciitis, fractures and muscle ruptures, muscle regeneration and relaxation, trigger points, heel spurs. </p> <p><strong></strong>Therapy with TECAR has the following effects:</p><ul><li>Stimulation of cellular metabolism</li><li>Antialgic, endorphinic effect</li><li>Anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous</li><li>Stimulates lymphatic drainage - absorption of toxins, remission of edema and reduction of healing times</li><li>Muscle relaxant and antispasmodic effect.</li></ul> <p><b>Bioptron           </b> </p> <p>Bioptron light therapy uses polarized and hyperpolarized light, which have a lot of benefits on our body. </p> <p>Hyperpolarized light acts on:</p><ul><li>Cervical and shoulder pain,</li><li>Lower back pain,</li><li>Sports injuries,</li><li>Burns, scar,</li><li>Joint pain,</li><li>Carpal tunnel syndrome,</li><li>Postoperative wounds,</li><li>Boosts immunity and more!</li></ul> <h6>Short Waves</h6> <p>Short wave therapy is a therapeutic method that involves the application of an electric or magnetic field to the tissues of the human body. The effects it produces are pain reduction, healing or biostimulation, vasodilatation and muscle relaxation, increase tissue regeneration capacity and stimulate the body's defense mechanisms, having a permanent thermal effect (48-72 hours after application). </p> <p> Short wave therapy is recommended in:</p><ul><li>Gonarthrosis, spondylosis, ankylosing spondylitis;</li><li>Bursitis, tendinitis, tenosynovitis, scapula-humeral periarthritis;</li><li>Posttraumatic sequelae;</li><li>Neuralgia, neuromyalgia (Arnold-type neuralgia, cervico-brachial, intercostal, lumbosacral neuralgia, etc.), neuritis, paresis and paralysis;</li><li>Multiple sclerosis, sequelae of poliomyelitis, peripheral sequelae after some myelitis and meningitis;</li><li>Frostbite, Raynaud's syndrome;</li><li>Chronic bronchitis, sequelae after non-tuberculous pleurisy, pleurisy, bronchial asthma;</li><li>Esophageal, gastro-duodenal and intestinal spasms, chronic constipation;</li><li>Sinusitis, cornic rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis boils, panaritis.</li></ul> <p><br /></p> <p><br /></p>
381622 <p><b></b>IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization) is a relatively new form of treatment that includes several techniques for mobilizing soft tissues, namely the fascia with different steel instruments. Fascia is a membrane that forms inside the human body with the role of binding, covering and separating muscles and internal organs.<br /></p> <p>IASTM encompasses several soft tissue mobilization techniques aimed at treating myofascial restrictions to reduce pain. </p> <p>IASTM has countless benefits:</p> <ul><li>Improves long-term local blood and lymphatic circulation</li><li>It regulates the level of collagen, which speeds up the healing process</li><li>It reduces the degree of tissue friability</li><li>Aligns muscle fibers correctly</li><li>Increases the mobility and elasticity of the fascia</li><li>Positively influences posture</li><li>It reduces pain by reducing tension in the fascia</li></ul>
381623 <p>It is a risk-free natural treatment that has its origins in oriental medical translations. Cupping therapy helps to strengthen and activate the body's self-healing function when it is slowed down.<br /></p> <p>Benefits of cupping therapy:</p> <ul><li>It helps myofascial relaxation of the whole body</li><li>Stimulates blood oxygenation and detoxification</li><li>Improves muscular and fascial metabolism</li><li>Increases the range of motion</li><li>It improves the lymphatic and blood circulation</li><li>It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin</li></ul>
381624 <p>It is a technique for athletes. With this method, a strong compression of the tissues is made, respectively the fluid circuit in the body is interrupted for a very short period of time (blood flow, lymphatic fluid and extracellular fluid) with the help of a latex band specially designed for this treatment method. When the band is removed and the compression is released, the whole area is "flooded" again with liquids, which leads to a regeneration of the body.<br /></p> <p>The main objectives of this technique are:</p><ul><li>Improved mobility</li><li>Pain reduction</li><li>Improving the elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments</li><li>Reduction of muscle tension</li><li>Increasing the range of motion of the joints</li><li>Increasing physical and mental performance</li></ul>
381625 <p>It is done by applying an elastic cotton band provided with a hypoallergenic adhesive in order to support physiological movement to activate the body's self-healing process.</p> <p>By applying the tapes correctly using different techniques, numerous benefits are obtained:</p><ul><li>Pain relief</li><li>Improving muscle function by regulating muscle tone</li><li>Supporting joint function: proprioceptive neuromuscular stimulation, influencing the position of the joints, influencing the direction of movement, increasing stability</li><li>Reducing bruising</li></ul>
389777 <p>Medical consultations are done every Thursday starting at 3 p.m. by appointment by Dr. Pîrvu Oana Cristina - medical rehabilitation specialist!<br /></p> <p><strong>Physiotherapists:</strong></p> <p>Jurca Alexandra <br /></p> <p>Mirea Roxana </p> <p>Bubanszki Andreea    </p>