    cscart_product_descriptions.short_description = '' 
    OR cscart_product_descriptions.short_description IS NULL, 
  ) AS full_description 
  cscart_product_descriptions.product_id IN (
    387039, 339692, 339737, 339535, 339534, 
    339573, 339496, 339617, 339620, 339621, 
    339742, 339611, 339533, 339710, 81689, 
    339587, 339683, 339444, 170248, 387094, 
    339722, 387042, 339570, 339610, 81674, 
    339584, 339771, 170250, 435270, 339638, 
    159865, 339625, 339706, 339529, 339751, 
    387037, 339736, 173787, 339618, 254333, 
    265275, 387092, 339569, 339581, 339615, 
    159861, 339770, 387040, 339705, 339608, 
    205885, 339619, 254332, 258305, 339783, 
    339693, 391684, 339732, 339779, 339759, 
    339607, 170249, 339572, 159863, 254325, 
    159864, 339775, 170247, 339476, 339589, 
    339652, 339571, 254327, 339778, 391687, 
    387089, 170216, 387056, 173789, 391688, 
    387096, 387093, 170251, 387041, 173763, 
    339738, 339456, 339686, 339550, 391689, 
    387098, 339780, 339739, 387045, 339644, 
    339747, 339586, 339630, 391800, 387044
  AND cscart_product_descriptions.lang_code = 'en'

Query time 0.00234

JSON explain

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      "key": "PRIMARY",
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      "key_length": "9",
      "rows_examined_per_scan": 100,
      "rows_produced_per_join": 100,
      "filtered": "100.00",
      "cost_info": {
        "read_cost": "120.18",
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      "attached_condition": "((`webmarco`.`cscart_product_descriptions`.`product_id` in (387039,339692,339737,339535,339534,339573,339496,339617,339620,339621,339742,339611,339533,339710,81689,339587,339683,339444,170248,387094,339722,387042,339570,339610,81674,339584,339771,170250,435270,339638,159865,339625,339706,339529,339751,387037,339736,173787,339618,254333,265275,387092,339569,339581,339615,159861,339770,387040,339705,339608,205885,339619,254332,258305,339783,339693,391684,339732,339779,339759,339607,170249,339572,159863,254325,159864,339775,170247,339476,339589,339652,339571,254327,339778,391687,387089,170216,387056,173789,391688,387096,387093,170251,387041,173763,339738,339456,339686,339550,391689,387098,339780,339739,387045,339644,339747,339586,339630,391800,387044)) and (`webmarco`.`cscart_product_descriptions`.`lang_code` = 'en'))"


product_id short_description full_description
81674 <p><strong>Shrimp and Zucchini Pizza</strong></p> <p>Traditional Pizzas</p> <p>The ingredients are: Tomato, mozzarella, Shrimp, Zucchini</p> <p>Our Pizza is very tasty.</p> <p>  You will be very satisfied with our food and our service.</p>
81689 <h5>Pizza Margherita</h5> <p>Traditional Pizzas</p> <p>The ingredients are: Tomato, mozzarella</p> <p>Our Pizza is very tasty.</p> <p>  You will be very satisfied with our food and our service.</p>
159861 <p> Internet Package 10Mbs Download 10Mbs Upload </p>
159863 <p> Internet Package 20Mbs Download 20Mbs Upload </p>
159864 <p> Internet Package 30Mbs Download 30Mbs Upload </p>
159865 <p> Internet Package 50Mbs Download 50Mbs Upload </p>
170216 <p>Sarete sempre un passo avanti con il vostro <b>abbigliamento personalizzato</b> realizzato dalla <u><a href="">Seri Procjet</a></u>! L’azienda, specializzata nella <b>stampa su tessuto</b><b>, </b>realizza loghi, scritte e contenuti a scelta su vari indumenti: magliette, felpe, cappellini, camicie…</p> <p>Grazie alle nuove tecnologie e ai macchinari usati l’azienda produce <b>abbigliamento professionale protettivo per aziende da lavoro personalizzato</b> per diversi ambiti ed esigenze: la ristorazione, le strutture ricettive, divise per aziende industriali o ospedaliere e cliniche private.</p> <p>L’azienda dispone di svariati modelli personalizzabili su cui realizzare <b>stampa serigrafica su tessuto</b> di immagini<b>, </b>loghi e scritte che renderebbero l’abbigliamento da lavoro personalizzato e riconoscibile, veicolando un’immagine positiva ed efficace del vostro brand.</p> <p>Potete scegliere le forniture più adatte per le vostre necessità: <b>maglie stampate</b> per campagne promozionali o <b>abbigliamento sportivo personalizzato</b> per società sportive o associazioni. Loghi e scritte possono essere realizzati in stampa e arricchiti da elementi di ricamo.</p> <p>Tutti i capi di abbigliamento su cui si realizza la stampa sono prodotti di alta qualità, lo <b>studio serigrafico</b> dei loghi è curato nei particolari, per dare particolare risalto al vostro marchio.</p> <p>La Seri Procjet ha messo a frutto la sua esperienza venticinquennale nel settore della <b>stampa su abbigliamento</b> per realizzare una linea di indumenti per addetti alle officine o operai impiegati nell’edilizia.</p>
170247 <p>La <u><a href="">Seri Procjet</a></u> realizza <b>regali personalizzati</b><b>, </b>accessori, oggettistica promozionale e gadget per le vostre campagne promozionali e per pubblicizzare il vostro brand.</p> <p>L’azienda vanta un’esperienza venticinquennale che le consente di soddisfare con competenza ed efficienza ogni <b>stampa personalizzata</b> su oggettistica promozionale e gadget che rispecchi le esigenze di ogni cliente.</p> <p>Per offrire ai vostri partner o alla vostra clientela <b>idee regalo originali</b> vi aiutiamo a progettare e sviluppare il gadget più efficace per promuovere il vostro marchio.</p> <p>Potrete realizzare i vostri <b>regali aziendali personalizzati</b> con stampe su ogni tipo di supporto: carta, plastica, tessuto ed altri materiali.</p> <p>Per promuovere al meglio il vostro marchio con gadget pubblicitari bisogna scegliere gli oggetti promozionali coerenti con lo stile del vostro brand. Per questo la Seri Procjet vi offre assistenza tecnica partendo dalla progettazione del prodotto fino alla realizzazione di gadget accattivanti ed originali.</p> <p>Per scegliere e abbinare il vostro logo ai colori e ai supporti giusti, per far risaltare il vostro brand, per sviluppare una campagna di marketing efficace, affidati al personale specializzato dell’azienda.</p> <p>Nel catalogo potete trovare vari tipi di gadget da offrire ai vostri clienti in occasione delle festività, di fiere o altri eventi speciali, dalle magliette ai prodotti per ufficio o per la casa.</p>
170248 <p>La <u><a href="">Seri Procjet</a></u> progetta e sviluppa <b>adesivi personalizzati </b>di alta qualità, per promuovere la comunicazione della vostra azienda e per colpire l’attenzione del pubblico.</p> <p>Le <b>stampe adesive personalizzate </b>sono uno strumento che cattura l’attenzione dei clienti e può raggiungere un pubblico molto vasto. Possono essere utilizzate sia per promuovere la vostra azienda durante eventi o fiere, sia per personalizzare una campagna, o per decorare locali e vetrine dei vostri negozi.</p> <p>Le <b>stampe adesive </b>sono uno strumento versatile in grado di raggiungere un vasto pubblico e adatte a molteplici scopi e campagne pubblicitarie.</p> <p>La Seri Procjet fornisce ai propri clienti assistenza sia in fase di progettazione del prodotto che di realizzazione e sviluppo. Sia che vogliate realizzare adesivi per esterni o che abbiate bisogno di adesivi per interni, il risultato è garantito dalla nostra lunga esperienza nel settore delle stampe.</p> <p>Abbinare il logo, l’immagine, la scritta al giusto colore, per far risaltare al meglio il brand è il nostro punto di forza. Il personale specializzato dell’azienda è in grado di consigliarvi sulle giuste strategie per ottenere dal prodotto il risultato più efficace.</p> <p>L’azienda <u><a href="">realizza</a></u> anche <b>stampe adesive per tessuti </b>per personalizzare ogni tipo di gadget, con un’ampia scelta di soggetti e scritte, adattabili a qualunque contesto.</p> <p>Ogni stampa è realizzata su materiali resistenti e duraturi che garantiscono un buon risultato estetico e una lunga durata.</p>
170251 <p>Seri Procjet offre il servizio stampa e ricamo personalizzato, che permette di aggiungere particolari stampe e ricami ai capi di abbigliamento da lavoro o alle divise, e che può essere abbinato alla stampa su tessuto. Potrai realizzare indumenti su misura per le esigenze della tua azienda, far inserire il nome dei dipendenti, mettere in risalto il logo o la scritta. Con Seri Procjet le divise da lavoro diventano ancora più innovative! Il servizio ricami e stampe personalizzati consente di inserire elementi ricamati e stampati su capi ed accessori, sia semplici che stampati: magliette, camicie, felpe, cappellini, polo, ma anche borse, astucci, cuscini e tanto altro. Potrai produrre divise da lavoro dallo stile esclusivo, porre in evidenza il nome della tua azienda, aggiungere il logo e la scritta che preferisci. Seri Procjet utilizza,infatti, particolari apparecchiature per realizzare patch ricamate curate in ogni dettaglio, dalla resa estetica davvero incredibile: un valore aggiunto per il tuo abbigliamento da lavoro, che risulterà molto più originale! Seri Procjet realizza divise da lavoro per officine, imprese edili, industrie, ed anche per la ristorazione, il turismo e la grande distribuzione. Il servizio ricami personalizzati, insieme alla stampa di abbigliamento da lavoro, è rivolto alle ditte che necessitano di indumenti originalie di alta qualità per i propri dipendenti, affinché risultino subito riconoscibili tra il pubblico. Con la sua versatilità e competenza, Seri Procjet riesce a venire incontro anche alle richieste più particolari, con soluzioni vincenti e vantaggiose. Contatta Seri Procjet e richiedi maggiori informazioni sul servizio stampe e ricami personalizzati: riceverai assistenza da parte dello staff ed un preventivo gratuito!</p>
173763 <p>We provide our customers with the "collection of used items". Specialized assembly technicians will go to your home; They will collect the used furniture, making it easier for the customer and at the same time guaranteeing eco-sustainable disposal.</p> <p>Booking the service is very simple and fast.</p> <p><br /></p>
173787 <p>To obtain an efficient and highly professional moving and transport service, it is important to rely on a company capable of making rapid and punctual deliveries and capable of dedicating the utmost attention to detail to each one.</p> <p>Thanks to the professionals of Denis Trasporti & Traslochi it is possible to organize any type of removals and transport even with special vehicles and depending on the type of goods or company. The fundamental element is that the professionals are able to provide all the security guarantees and to perform any service in accordance with the law in order to protect both the cargo and the customer.</p> <p>Booking the service is very simple and fast. For more information please do not hesitate to contact us.<br /></p>
173789 <p>To obtain an efficient and highly professional free moving and transport inspection service, it is important to rely on a capable and efficient company.</p> <p>Thanks to the professionals of Denis Trasporti & Traslochi it is possible to organize any type of removals and transport even with special vehicles and depending on the type of goods or company. The fundamental element is that the professionals are able to provide all the security guarantees and to perform any service in accordance with the law in order to protect both the cargo and the customer.</p> <p>Booking the service is very simple and fast. For further information please do not hesitate to contact us.</p> <p> </p>
205885 <p>Evidence of professional ability </p> <ul><li>CAP</li><li>DAP</li></ul>
254325 <h4> Rent a Car </h4> <p> Car rental service is the ideal solution for any type of case. <br> The staff offers customers a variety of machines, strictly with quality brands, <br> to offer first class rental cars. <// p> <p> Choose the vehicle that best suits your needs. </p> <p> <br> </p>
254327 <h4> Travel ticket </h4> <p> Vila Blu offers travel, air, land and sea tickets so you can focus only on the best that <br> travel has to offer. </p> <p> Enjoy your trips with Vila Blu! </p> <p> </p>
254332 <h4> Exchange </h4> <p> Vila Blu offers exchange rates for all types of currencies. </p>
254333 <h4> Pick up at Destination </h4> <p> Vila Blu offers customer service from the place of arrival, airport, port, etc. </p> <p> This service is also available every day of the year, including holidays and the month of August, both during the day and at night. <br> Services are performed only by highly qualified personnel who are distinguished for their discretion, professionalism and punctuality. tire. </p> <p> </p>
258305 <h4> Double Room </h4> <p>Hotel Bar Restaurant Venezia offers 2 fantastic double rooms for all those who&nbsp;<br>want the comfort and tranquility of our hotel.</p><p>Furnished in a contemporary way, and with all the necessary comforts double&nbsp;<br>rooms welcome guests in the best possible way.</p> <p>There is a private park green with decorative trees from behind to enjoy in&nbsp;<br>complete privacy the freshness and stunning view of the lake and the mountain&nbsp;<br>of Gjalica on hot summer days.<br>Rooms overlook the lake and the mountain of Gjalica, have air conditioning, TV,&nbsp;<br>shower and bathroom each room. There is private parking for up to 100 vehicles.</p> <p> <em> Accuracy, quality and safety. We serve our customers with respect. </em> <br> </p>
265275 <p> Dedication-Professionalism-Seriousness </p> <p>"Horizon" Teaching Center with several years of experience in the field of teaching, with qualified academic staff and comfortable facilities organizes French language courses. <br /></p><p></p> <p> Language courses are built according to the latest contemporary methodologies, respecting the basic language norms and rules. Courses are developed according to ages and levels. At the end of each course, obtain the certificate according to the respective level. </p>
339444 <h4><strong>Πολύτυπο λιπαντικό νέας προηγμένης ημι-συνθετικής τεχνολογίας για σύγχρονους πολυβάλβιδους, καταλυτικούς και υπερτροφοδοτούμενους (turbo) κινητήρες υψηλών επιδόσεων. Ιδανικό για κινητήρες στόλων επαγγελματικών αυτοκινήτων, και ταξί που λειτουργούν για μεγάλα χρονικά διαστήματα σε υψηλές θερμοκρασίες. Διαθέτει μεγάλες αντοχές σε ακραίες συνθήκες λειτουργίας. Παρέχει αντιοξειδωτική προστασία, συμβάλει στην οικονομία καυσίμου και τη μείωση του κόστους συντήρησης.</strong></h4> <br /><h4><strong>ΟΦΕΛΗ:</strong></h4> <br /><h4><strong>Μεγιστοποιεί την απόδοση του κινητήρα, βραχυπρόθεσμα και μακροπρόθεσμα.</strong></h4> <br /><h4 style="font-weight:400;"><strong>Μειώνει τις επικαθίσεις στον κινητήρα συμβάλλοντας στη διατήρηση κορυφαίας απόκρισης.</strong></h4> <br /><h4 style="font-weight:400;"><strong>Διατηρεί τη μέγιστη απόδοση ακόμη και υπό πίεση</strong></h4>
339456 <h4>Oils fortified with special additives designed for tractors and all machines used in agricultural applications. They are suitable for the correct and effective lubrication of the engine, hydraulic systems, gearboxes and differential systems of agricultural machinery.</h4>
339476 <h4>Opel GM Dexos SAE 5W-30 is an original Opel engine oil that increases fuel efficiency and reduces emissions from engines.</h4> <br /><h4>Supports both long engine life and industry dependence on oil.</h4>
339496 <h4><strong>ΜΠΑΤΑΡΙΑ ΜΟΛΥΒΔΟΥ ΚΛΕΙΣΤΟΥ ΤΥΠΟΥ SMART SM110050</strong></h4> \n<h4><strong>ΤΕΧΝΙΚΑ ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΙΣΤΙΚΑ </strong></h4> \n<h4>Μαύρο κουτί τύπου Kamina DIN με εσοχή για τους πόλους \n<strong>Διαστάσεις: </strong>Μ:208 Π:175 Υ:175 \n<strong>50 ΑΗ 410 EN</strong> (Ampere εκκίνησης) \n<strong>Πόλωση:</strong> Δεξιά (Το συν + δεξια) με κανονικό χοντρό πόλο \nΔιαθέτει ειδική πατούρα στήριξης (Τύπος Β3/ Β4) \n<strong>Βάρος :</strong> 12.9 kg \nΔιαθέτει ενδεικτικό μάτι για τον έλεγχο της κατάστασης της μπαταρίας.</h4> \n<h4>H SM110050 έχει εφαρμογή στα περισσότερα Ευρωπαϊκά και σε αρκετά Ασιατικά αυτοκίνητα μικρού κυβισμού. Είναι η μπαταρία με την μεγαλύτερη εφαρμογή σε αυτοκίνητα μέχρι 1,200cc.</h4>
339529 <ul><li> \n </li><li> \n<h4>Τεχνολογία PowerFrame για αξιόπιστη ισχύ εκκίνησης και ταχεία επαναφόρτιση</h4> \n \n </li><li> \n<h4>Πολικότητα: Δεξιά</h4> \n \n </li><li> \n<h4>Κλειστού τύπου</h4> \n \n </li><li> \n<h4>Βάρος: 11.68kg</h4> \n \n </li><li> \n<h4>Διαστάσεις: 238 x 129 x 227mm</h4> \n \n</li></ul>
339533 <h4>Χαρακτηριστικά Προϊόντος</h4> \nBrand: VARTA \n \nΑμπέρ (Ah)111Ah - 160Ah \n \nθετικός ΠόλοςΑριστερά \n \nΤύποςΚλειστού τύπου
339534 Η μπαταρία φορτηγού και σκάφους της εταιρείας Varta, έχει χωρητικότητα 180 αμπερώρια (Αh) και ισχύ εκκίνησης CCA 1000 αμπέρ (A). Όσο μεγαλύτερη είναι η χωρητικότητα, τόσο περισσότερο μπορεί να κρατήσει η μπαταρία χωρίς φόρτιση. Στο εγχειρίδιο του αυτοκινήτου αναφέρεται ο κωδικός που μας δείχνει το μέγεθος και τον τύπο της μπαταρίας, που είναι ιδανικός για το κάθε όχημα.
339535 <h4>Χαρακτηριστικά Προϊόντος</h4> \nBrandVARTA \n \nΑμπέρ (Ah)161Ah - 240Ah \n \nθετικός ΠόλοςΑριστερά \n \nΤύποςΚλειστού τύπου
339569 <table class="table"><tbody class="cgvTechTab"><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName">Πλευρά τοποθέτησης</td><td class="cgvTechPropValue">ΜΠΡΟΣΤΙΝΟΣ ΑΞΟΝΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΠΟ ΤΙΣ ΔΥΟ ΠΛΕΥΡΕΣ</td></tr><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName">Μήκος [mm]</td><td class="cgvTechPropValue">315</td></tr><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName">Βάρος [kg]</td><td class="cgvTechPropValue">0,332</td></tr><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName">Διάμετρος σωλήνα [mm]</td><td class="cgvTechPropValue">9</td></tr><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName">Εξωτερικό σπείρωμα [mm]</td><td class="cgvTechPropValue">M10 X 1,5</td></tr><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName">Υλικό</td><td class="cgvTechPropValue">ΜΕΤΑΛΛΟ</td></tr><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName">Ράβδος / διαδοκίδα</td><td class="cgvTechPropValue">ΡΑΒΔΟΣ ΣΤΡΕΨΗΣ</td></tr><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName">Συμπληρωματικό προϊόν/ πληροφορίες 2</td><td class="cgvTechPropValue">ΜΕ ΠΑΞΙΜΑΔΙ</td></tr></tbody></table> \n<table class="table table-striped"><tbody class="cgvAdditionalTech"><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName"></td><td class="cgvTechPropValue">ΜΠΑΡΑΚΙ ΖΑΜΦΟΡ A1, A2</td></tr></tbody></table>
339570 <table class="table"><tbody><tr><td>Μήκος 2 [mm]</td><td>277</td></tr><tr><td>Μήκος [mm]</td><td>299</td></tr><tr><td>Βάρος [g]</td><td>320</td></tr><tr><td>Εξωτερικό σπείρωμα 1 [mm]</td><td>M 14x1,5</td></tr><tr><td>Εξωτερικό σπείρωμα 2 [mm]</td><td>M 18x1,5</td></tr><tr><td>Πλευρά τοποθέτησης</td><td>Μπροστινός άξονας και από τις δύο πλευρές</td></tr><tr><td>Υλικό</td><td>Χάλυβας /ατσάλι</td></tr></tbody></table> \nΗΜΙΜΠΑΡΟ OPEL ASTRA H 1.2,1.4,1.6 &lt;10 ΜΕ
339571 CIFAM - Κωδικός: 101767 \n<div class="clear"></div> \n<h6>Σχόλια: ΚΥΛ/ΚΙ DAEWOO MATIZ 0.8-1.0 98- Φ17,46mm</h6>
339572 <div class="product-block__description__title product-block__equal-height-wrap"> \n<h2><span class="product-block__description__title-small">Mπροστινός άξονας δεξιά, Πίεση γκαζιού, Διπλός σωλήνας, Γόνατο ανάρτησης, επάνω πείρος</span></h2> \n<div class="product-block__description__subtitle"><span class="subtitle-art-nummer">Αριθμός προϊόντος: 332500</span></div> \n</div> \n<div class="product-block__description__info"> \n<ul class="show-more-height"><li> \n </li><li><span class="i1">Σειρά προϊόντος:</span><span class="i2"><a href="">Excel-G</a></span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="i1">Πλευρά τοποθέτησης:</span> \n<div class="about-filter-image"><img src="" alt="KYB 332500 Mπροστινός άξονας δεξιά" /></div> \n<span class="i2"> Mπροστινός άξονας δεξιά</span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="i1">Σύστημα αμορτισέρ:</span><span class="i2">Διπλός σωλήνας</span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="i1">Τύπος αμορτισέρ:</span><span class="i2">Πίεση γκαζιού</span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="i1">Τύπος κατασκευής αμορτισέρ:</span><span class="i2">Γόνατο ανάρτησης</span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="i1">Τύπος στερέωσης αμορτισέρ:</span><span class="i2">επάνω πείρο</span> \n</li></ul> \n</div>
339573 <ul class="pkw-table__ul-yellow"><li> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item"><span class="lf">Σειρά προϊόντος:</span><span class="rg">Excel-G</span> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item important"><span class="lf">Πλευρά τοποθέτησης:</span><span class="rg"><img src="" alt="KYB 332501 Μπροστινός άξονας αριστερά Πλευρά τοποθέτησης" />Μπροστινός άξονας αριστερά</span> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item important"><span class="lf">Σύστημα αμορτισέρ:</span><span class="rg">Διπλός σωλήνας</span> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item important"><span class="lf">Τύπος αμορτισέρ:</span><span class="rg">Πίεση γκαζιού</span> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item important"><span class="lf">Τύπος κατασκευής αμορτισέρ:</span><span class="rg">Γόνατο ανάρτησης</span> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item important"><span class="lf">Τύπος στερέωσης αμορτισέρ:</span><span class="rg">επάνω πείρος</span> \n</li></ul>
339581 <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"> \n \n<a class="cgvPartNo MoreInfo" href="">KJ16CRL11</a><a class="cgvDescription MoreInfo" href="">ΜΠΟΥΖΙ (3132) HONDA CIVIC,CRV,JEEP</a> \n<div><span class="codecomesfrom">ZFR5F, NGK</span></div> \n</div> \n<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12"> \n<div><img class="img-responsive cgvDLNr imageFactoryGrid" src="" alt="DENSO" /></div> \n<div><a class="btn btn-xs minibasebox cgvDocUrl" href=""><img class="img-responsive cgvDocUrl" src="" alt="" /></a></div> \n<div></div> \n</div> \n<div class="col-md-5 col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> \n<div class="table-responsive"> \n<div class="seetechlist panel panel-default"> \n<table class="table"><tbody class="cgvTechTab"><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName">Διάμετρος [mm]</td><td class="cgvTechPropValue">14</td></tr><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName">Άνοιγμα κλειδιού</td><td class="cgvTechPropValue">16</td></tr><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName">Ροπή σύσφιγξης [Nm]</td><td class="cgvTechPropValue">22</td></tr><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName">Βάρος [g]</td><td class="cgvTechPropValue">43</td></tr><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName">Μπουζί</td><td class="cgvTechPropValue">1-ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΔΙΟ ΓΕΙΩΣΗΣ</td></tr><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName">Μήκος σπειρώματος [mm]</td><td class="cgvTechPropValue">19</td></tr></tbody></table> \n<table class="table table-striped"><tbody class="cgvAdditionalTech"><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName"></td><td class="cgvTechPropValue">ΜΠΟΥΖΙ (3132) HONDA CIVIC,CRV,JEEP</td></tr><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName"></td><td class="cgvTechPropValue"></td></tr><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName"></td><td class="cgvTechPropValue"></td></tr><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName"></td><td class="cgvTechPropValue"></td></tr><tr><td class="cgvTechPropName"></td></tr></tbody></table> \n</div> \n</div> \n</div>
339584 <strong>Κατάλληλο για επιβατικά οχήματα:</strong> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li>HONDA \n </li><li>ROVER \n </li><li>TOYOTA \n </li><li> \n<h5>Μπουζί BPR6EY-11 3577 4228 V-Line 10 της NGK, αντιπαρασιτικό,</h5> \n<h5>με μήκος σπειρώματος 19mm και άνοιγμα κλειδιού 21 mm</h5> \n<h5>Εναλλακτικό DENSO W20EXRU11,W20TT. BERU 14R7DUX. BOSCH WR7DCX. CHAMPION RN9YC4,OE0</h5> \n \n</li></ul>
339587 <h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Corsa D 2006-2013</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Corsa D Van 2006-2013</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Astra H Gtc 2005-2010</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Astra H 2004-2010</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Meriva 2003-2009</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Astra H Station Wagon 2005-2010</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Corsa C 2000-2006</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Corsa C Van 2000-2006</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Tigra 2004-2009</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Agila 2000-2007</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Combo 2002-2010</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Combo Van Mακρύ 2001-2011</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons ui-state-hover ui-state-focus">Astra G HatchBack 1998-2009</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Astra G Sedan 1998-2009</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Astra G Station Wagon 1998-2009</h3>
339589 ΚατασκευαστήςKOYOΚωδικόςTR-070904-1-9LFT \n \nΒάρος0.6 kgΕσωτερική35 mmΕξωτερική89 mmΥψος27. mm \n<div class="row">ΡΟΥΛΕΜΑΝ ΚΩΝΙΚΑ</div> \n<div class="row">35Χ89Χ27.5/38.1</div>
339607 ωρίς δίσκο ελατήριου, Πίσω άξονας, Πίεση γκαζιού, Διπλός σωλήνας, Τηλεσκοπικό αμορτισέρ, επάνω πείρος, κάτω κεφαλή \n \nOEM αριθμός(-oί) αναφοράς συμβατός(-oί) με τον αριθμό του γνήσιου ανταλλακτικού \n<div class="oem-list"> \n<div class="oem-list__col"> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 62678 — AUDI</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 67053 — AUDI</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 67054 — AUDI</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 67066 — AUDI</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6N0513031P — AUDI</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6N0513031T — AUDI</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 191513033P — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 1H0513035 — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 1H0513035E — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6K0513031 — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6K0513031B — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6K0513031F — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6K0513031G — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6K0513031H — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6K0513031J — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6K0513031K — SEAT</a> \n </li><li>OEN 6K0513031L — SEAT \n </li><li>OEN 6K0513031P — SEAT \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6K0513031R — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6K0513031T — SEAT</a> \n</li></ul> \n</div> \n<div class="oem-list__col"> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6K0513033A — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6K0513033B — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6N0513031A — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6N0513031E — SEAT</a> \n </li><li>OEN 6N0513031G — SEAT \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6N0513031H — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6N0513031L — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><span class="link">OEN 6N0513031P — VAG</span> \n </li><li><span class="link">OEN 6N0513031T — VAG</span> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 191513033F — VW</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 191513033G — VW</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 191513033N — VW</a> \n </li><li><span class="link">OEN 62678 — VW</span> \n </li><li><span class="link">OEN 67053 — VW</span> \n </li><li><span class="link">OEN 67054 — VW</span> \n </li><li><span class="link">OEN 67066 — VW</span> \n </li><li><span class="link">OEN 6N0513031P — VW</span> \n </li><li><span class="link">OEN 6N0513031T — VW</span> \n</li></ul> \n</div> \n</div>
339608 μπροστινός άξονας, Πίεση γκαζιού, Διπλός σωλήνας, Γόνατο ανάρτησης, επάνω πείρος \n \nOEM αριθμός(-oί) αναφοράς συμβατός(-oί) με τον αριθμό του γνήσιου ανταλλακτικού \n<div class="oem-list"> \n<div class="oem-list__col"> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 191413031J — AUDI</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 191413031H — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 191413031K — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 191413031Q — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 1H0413031 — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 1H0413031A — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 1H0413031C — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 1H0413031R — SEAT</a> \n </li><li>OEN 1L0413031 — SEAT \n </li><li>OEN 1L0413031A — SEAT \n </li><li>OEN 1L0413031B — SEAT \n</li></ul> \n</div> \n<div class="oem-list__col"> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 1L0413031C — SEAT</a> \n </li><li>OEN 1L0413031D — SEAT \n </li><li>OEN 1L0413031E — SEAT \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6K0413031 — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6K0413031A — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6K0413031B — SEAT</a> \n </li><li><span class="link">OEN 191413031J — VAG</span> \n </li><li><span class="link">OEN 191413031J — VW</span> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6E0413031J — VW</a> \n</li></ul> \n</div> \n</div>
339610 <div class="c-expandable-content description-text"> \n<div class="content-container"> \n<div>Cordoba (6K2) Saloon AEH AGP AGR AKK AKL ALD ALH ALM ANV ANW APE APF AQM AQQ AQX AST AUA AUB AUC AUD AUR AVZ AYP Cordoba (6K2-C2) Saloon all AEH,AGP,AGR,AKK,AKL,ALD,ALH,ALM,ANV,ANW,APE,APF,AQM,AQQ,AQX,AST,AUA,AUB,AUC,AUD,AUR,AVZ,AYP Ibiza (6K0) Hatchback 3/5 doors all AEH,AGP,AGR,AKK,AKL,ALD,ALH,ALM,ANV,ANW,APE,APF,AQM,AQQ,AQX,AST,AUA,AUB,AUC,AUD,AUR,AVZ,AYP Ibiza (6K1) Hatchback 3/5 doors AEH AGP AGR AKK AKL ALD ALH ALM ANV ANW APE APF AQM AQQ AQX AST AUA AUB AUC AUD AUR AVZ AYP Inca (6K9) Box all AEX,AKV,APQ,AUD,AUA,1F,AEE,ALM,AHB,1Y,AEY,AYQ,ALH Toledo (1L) Saloon 1F 1Y 1Z 2E AAZ ABN ABS ACC ADZ AFN AFT AGG AHU EZ KR PL RP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 191407151B,102771,191407153,191407153A,31721,210495,118179A,041863B,BR1182,1182,CCA1012,TC764,SS269,02818,FL956G,FZ6997,2355,870966,9963489A,6607361A1,4210010,10172,1017201,19858,58005712,L29549,29549,5014710,0700403,G6067,1207007,935421,9005133,63488A,63488,44770,30937186,JTC369 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Η τιμή είναι με το ΦΠΑ. Παρακαλούμε μην διστάσετε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας για οποιαδήποτε πληροφορία.</div> \n</div> \n<div class="expand-control-container show less">Less</div> \n</div> \n<div class="description-tags mt-2"></div>
339611 Αριθμοί αναφοράς OEM συγκρίσιμοι με τον αρχικό αριθμό ανταλλακτικού \n<div class="oem-list"> \n<div class="oem-list__col"> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 6K0 198 007 - ΚΑΘΙΣΜΑ</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 030 198 141 X - VW</a> \n </li><li><a href="">OEN 032 198 141 X - VW</a> \n</li></ul> \n</div> \n</div>
339615 <ul class="show-more-height"><li> \n </li><li><span class="i1">SKF:</span><span class="i2">Αντλία νερού</span> \n </li><li><span class="i1">Αριθμός τεμαχίου:</span><span class="i2">VKPC 81407</span> \n </li><li><span class="i1">Η τιμή μας:</span><span class="i2">30,56 €</span> \n </li><li><span class="i1">αριθμός τεμαχίου κατασκευαστή:</span><span class="i2">VKPC 81407</span> \n </li><li><span class="i1">κατασκευαστή:</span><span class="i2">SKF</span> \n </li><li><span class="i1">EAN αριθμός:</span><span class="i2">7316571521978</span> \n </li><li>AUDI-SEAT-SCODA-VW \n</li></ul>
339617 <table class="table table-no-highlight"><tbody><tr><td>ατασκευαστής</td><td><strong>THERMOTEC</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Κώδικας</td><td><strong>D7W030TT</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Προϊόν</td><td><strong>Radυγείο, ψύξη κινητήρα</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Βάθος πυρήνα [mm]</td><td><strong>34</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Μήκος πυρήνα [mm]</td><td><strong>378</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Πλάτος πυρήνα [mm]</td><td><strong>628</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Για αριθμό ΟΕ</td><td><strong>1Η0.121.253 Λ</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Υλικό</td><td><strong>Πλαστική ύλη</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Υλικό</td><td><strong>Αλουμίνιο</strong></td></tr></tbody></table> \nVW1Η0.121.253 ΛVW6Κ0.121.253 ΑΑVW1H0.121.253 CBVW1Η0 121 253 ΛVW6Κ0 121 253 ΑΑ
339618 <ul class="product_params"><li> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="lc">Κωδικός κινητήρα:  </span><span class="rc"><b>AZD, BCB, AUS</b></span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="lc">Θερμοκρασία ανοίγματος [°C]:  </span><span class="rc"><b>87</b></span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="lc">Συμπληρωματικό προϊόν / συμπληρωματική πληροφορία:  </span><span class="rc"><b>με τσιμούχα</b></span> \n</li></ul>
339619 <table class="product__table"><tbody><tr class="product__table-row important-row"><td class="product__table-col left">Ισχύς μίζας [kW]:</td><td class="product__table-col right">1,1</td></tr><tr class="product__table-row important-row"><td class="product__table-col left">Τάση [V]:</td><td class="product__table-col right">12</td></tr><tr class="product__table-row important-row"><td class="product__table-col left">Αριθμός δοντιών:</td><td class="product__table-col right">9</td></tr><tr class="product__table-row important-row"><td class="product__table-col left">Φορά περιστροφής:</td><td class="product__table-col right">Φορά περιστροφής προς τα δεξιά</td></tr><tr class="product__table-row important-row"><td class="product__table-col left">Είδος κιβωτίου ταχυτήτων:</td><td class="product__table-col right">με κιβώτιο μείωσης</td></tr><tr class="product__table-row important-row"><td class="product__table-col left">Πλήθος οπών:</td><td class="product__table-col right">4</td></tr><tr class="product__table-row important-row"><td class="product__table-col left">Διάμετρος φλάντζας [mm]:</td><td class="product__table-col right">82</td></tr><tr class="product__table-row"><td class="product__table-col left">Πλήθος οπών με βόλτα:</td><td class="product__table-col right">2</td></tr></tbody></table> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">BOSCH:</span> 0 001 107 025 \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">CEVAM:</span> 3811 \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">DELCO REMY:</span> 311.057.092 \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">FRIESEN:</span> 80 16 800 \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">HELLA:</span> 732 659-001 \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">HERTH+BUSS ELPARTS:</span> 42 016 800 \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">HOLGER CRISTIANSEN:</span> CS 880 \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">LAUBER:</span> 22.0880 \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">MAGNETI MARELLI:</span> 944280168000 \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">PRESTOLITE ELECTRIC:</span> 20500892 \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">QUINTON HAZELL:</span> QRS1189 \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">SPIDAN:</span> 1468 \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">TRW:</span> LRS892 \n</li></ul>
339620 <ul><li> \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">CONTINENTAL/VDO:</span> E22 041 027 \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">DELPHI:</span> FE0434-12B1 \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">PIERBURG:</span> 7 02550 58 0 \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">QUINTON HAZELL:</span> QFP788 \n </li><li><span class="product-analogs__name">SIDAT:</span> 70035 \n</li></ul>
339621 <table class="table"><tbody><tr><td>Τρόπος λειτουργίας</td><td>μηχανικό</td></tr><tr><td>Διάμετρος [mm]</td><td>36</td></tr><tr><td>Τάση [V]</td><td>12</td></tr></tbody></table> \nΣΤΟΜΙΟ ΠΕΤΑΛΟΥΔΑΣ DOBLO,PANDA
339630 <h1>Φίλτρο αέρα Donaldson P821575</h1> \n<strong>Χαρακτηριστικά:</strong> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li>Εξωτερική Διάμετρος: 103.90 mm \n </li><li>Εσωτερική Διάμετρος: 63.00 mm \n </li><li>Μήκος: 256.00 mm \n </li><li>Τύπος: Κυλινδρικό φίλτρο \n</li></ul>
339638 <ul class="product_params"><li> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="lc">Πλευρά τοποθέτησης:  </span><span class="rc"><b>μπροστινός άξονας, και στις δύο πλευρές</b></span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="lc">Ράβδος / διαδοκίδα:  </span><span class="rc"><b>Ράβδος εκκρεμούς</b></span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="lc">Μήκος [mm]:  </span><span class="rc param-icon"><span class="rc param-icon"><img src="" alt="JTS7705 - Μήκος [mm] 360" /><b>360</b></span></span> \n<p class="selected_auto_mark">TOYOTA Corolla X Sedan (E150)</p> \n \n<span class="rc param-icon"><b><span class="selected_auto_mark_info">1.6 VVT-i, Έτος κατασκευής 08.2007 - 06.2013, 1598 , 110 PS</span></b></span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="lc">Εξωτερικό σπείρωμα [mm]:  </span><span class="rc"><b>M12x1,25</b></span> \n </li><li> \n</li></ul>
339644 <div class="mb-24 cpd-table-details"> \n<table class="table table-no-highlight"><tbody><tr><td>Κατασκευαστής</td><td><strong>JC PREMIUM</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Κώδικας</td><td><strong>B2W062PR</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Προϊόν</td><td><strong>Φίλτρο αέρα</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Τύπος φίλτρου</td><td><strong>Εισαγωγή φίλτρου</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Ύψος [mm]</td><td><strong>171</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Εξωτερική διάμετρος [mm]</td><td><strong>143</strong></td></tr></tbody></table> \n</div> \n<dl><dt class="mb-8">Αρχικοί κωδικοί:</dt><dd> \n<table class="mb-8 cpd-table-oem"><tbody><tr><td>VW</td><td>6R0 129 620 A</td></tr></tbody></table> \n</dd></dl>
339652 <table class="data-table"><tbody><tr><th class="label">Τύπος φίλτρου</th><td class="data">Φίλτρο άνθρακα</td></tr><tr><th class="label">Μήκος [mm]</th><td class="data">832</td></tr><tr><th class="label">Πλάτος [mm]</th><td class="data">122</td></tr><tr><th class="label">Ύψος [mm]</th><td class="data">20</td></tr><tr><th class="label">Κατηγορία μάρκας</th><td class="data">CUK 8430</td></tr><tr><th class="label">Κατασκευαστής</th><td class="data">JC PREMIUM</td></tr><tr><th class="label">Αριθμός ανταλλακτικού κατασκευαστή</th><td class="data">B4B016 CPR</td></tr></tbody></table>
339683 <h4>Yαλοκαθαριστήρες Aerotwin με <strong>αεροδυναμικό σχεδιασμό</strong> εγγυώνται <strong>ιδανική ορατότητα</strong> ακόμα και στις πιο απαιτητικές καιρικές συνθήκες αλλά και σε μεγάλες ταχύτητες.</h4> <p>\n<br /></p><h4><strong>Εύκολη τοποθέτηση</strong> με γνήσιο προσαρμογέα.</h4> <p>\n<br /></p><h4><strong>Μήκος 1 [mm]: 680</strong> \n<strong>Μήκος 2 [mm]: 625</strong></h4>
339686 <h3 class="widget-title">Προδιαγραφές</h3> <p>\n<br /></p><ul class="feature-list"><li> \n </li><li>Δ1: 201 χλστ \n </li><li>D2: 200 χλστ \n </li><li>Εκδοχή: CP \n </li><li>Το βάρος: 5,96 κιλά \n </li><li>ΕΞΩΤΕΡΙΚΗ ΔΙΑΜΕΤΡΟΣ: 201 χλστ \n </li><li>Εξωτερική διάμετρος 1: 200 χλστ \n </li><li>Δύναμη εκτίναξης: 3500 n \n </li><li>Πληρότητα: Με ρουλεμάν απελευθέρωσης \n </li><li>Νέο μέρος: \n </li><li>Προφίλ κέντρου: 18 x 20,54 \n </li><li>Τύπος μονάδας ελέγχου: Έλεγχος ώθησης \n </li><li>Αριθμός δοντιών: δεκαοχτώ \n </li><li>Χώρα κατασκευαστή:  Γαλλία \n</li></ul>
339692 <ul class="pkw-table__ul-yellow"><li> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item"><span class="lf">Product line:</span><span class="rg">Nickel</span> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item important"><span class="lf">Open key:</span><span class="rg">16</span> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item important"><span class="lf">Thread length [mm]:</span><span class="rg">19</span> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item important"><span class="lf">Spark plug:</span><span class="rg">1-earth electrode</span> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item"><span class="lf">Tightening torque [Nm]:</span><span class="rg">22</span> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item"><span class="lf">Diameter [mm]:</span><span class="rg"><img src="https: //" alt="DENSO 3120 14 Diameter [mm]" />14</span> \n </li><li>TOYOTA - NISSAN \n</li></ul>
339693 <ul class="criteria"><li> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="lf"><span>length [mm]:</span></span><span class="rg"><b>< span>1250</span></b></span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="lf"><span>number of edges:</span></span><span class="rg"><b><span> 6</span></b></span> \n</li></ul> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li><span class="lf"><span>net weight [kg]:</span></span><span class="rg"><span>0.16</ span></span> \n </li><li><span class="lf"><span>gross weight [kg]:</span></span><span class="rg"><span>0.16</ span></span> \n</li></ul> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li><span class="lc"><span>Item Number</span></span><span class="rc"><span>6PK1250-PCS-MS</span> </span> \n</li></ul>
339705 <table class="spec table table-condensed"><tbody><tr><td class="subheading"> \n<h2 class="fixed-heading"><span>Product Features</span></h2> \n</td></tr><tr><td><span>Manufacturer</span></td><td class="jqs-cf-value"><span>STABILITY</span></ td></tr><tr><td><span>Pointer</span></td><td class="jqs-cf-value"><span>STA1941DX</span></td></ tr><tr><td><span>Attractive force</span></td><td class="jqs-cf-value"><span>40</span></td></tr>< tr><td><span>Pressure force [n]</span></td><td class="jqs-cf-value"><span>75</span></td></tr>< tr><td><span>Length [mm]</span></td><td class="jqs-cf-value"><span>220</span></td></tr><tr ><td><span>Displacement [mm]</span></td><td class="jqs-cf-value"><span>79</span></td></tr></tbody ></table>
339706 <table class="data-table"><tbody><tr><th class="label"><span>Supplementary Article/Supplementary Information</span></th><td class="data"><span >with clutch pressure plate</span></td></tr><tr><th class="label"><span>Supplementary Article/Information 2</span></th><td class="data "><span>with clutch release bearing, with clutch disc</span></td></tr><tr><th class="label"><span>Diameter [mm]</span></th ><td class="data"><span>200</span></td></tr><tr><th class="label"><span>Number of teeth</span></th>< td class="data"><span>19</span></td></tr><tr><th class="label"><span>Brand class</span></th><td class ="data"><span>Price/Performance</span></td></tr><tr><th class="label"><span>Manufacturer</span></th><td class= "data"><span>AISIN</span></td></tr><tr><th class="label"><span>EAN</span></th><td class="data" ><span>5411450683302</span></td></tr></tbody></table>
339710 <table class="tbl_vehicle"><tbody><tr><td>UNTO (188) , 1.2 16V 80 (188.233, .235, .253, .255, .333, .353, .639...)</td><td>1999 / 09</td><td>1242 <small>cm</small>² , 59 <small>kW</small> (80 <small>KS</small>)</td><td>hatchback</td></tr><tr><td>PUNTO (188) , 1.2 60 (188.030, .050, .130, .150, .230, .250)</td><td>1999 / 09</td><td>1242 <small>cm</small>² , 44 <small>kW</small> (60 <small>KS</small>)</td><td>hatchback</td></tr><tr><td>PUNTO (188) , 1.2 Natural Power</td><td>2003 / 09</td><td>1242 <small>cm</small>² , 44 <small>kW</small> (60 <small>KS</small>)</td><td>hatchback</td></tr><tr><td>PUNTO (188) , 1.3 JTD 16V</td><td>2003 / 06</td><td>1248 <small>cm</small>² , 51 <small>kW</small> (70 <small>KS</small>)</td><td>hatchback</td></tr><tr><td>PUNTO (188) , 1.4</td><td>2003 / 09</td><td>1368 <small>cm</small>² , 70 <small>kW</small> (95 <small>KS</small>)</td><td>hatchback</td></tr><tr><td>PUNTO (188) , 1.8 130 HGT (188.738, .718)</td><td>1999 / 09</td><td>1747 <small>cm</small>² , 96 <small>kW</small> (130 <small>KS</small>)</td><td>hatchback</td></tr><tr><td>PUNTO (188) , 1.9 DS 60 (188.031, .051, .231, .251)</td><td>1999 / 09</td><td>1910 <small>cm</small>² , 44 <small>kW</small> (60 <small>KS</small>)</td><td>hatchback</td></tr><tr><td>PUNTO (188) , 1.9 JTD</td><td>2003 / 06</td><td>1910 <small>cm</small>² , 74 <small>kW</small> (101 <small>KS</small>)</td><td>hatchback</td></tr><tr><td>PUNTO (188) , 1.9 JTD 80 (188.237, .257, .337, .357)</td><td>1999 / 09</td><td>1910 <small>cm</small>² , 59 <small>kW</small> (80 <small>KS</small>)</td><td>hatchback</td></tr></tbody></table>
339732 <div class="short-description"><strong>Αμορτισέρ KAYABA 340025 ALFA ROMEO</strong> από τον κατασκευαστή <strong>KAYABA</strong> Αυτό το προϊόν είναι κατασκευασμένο από υψηλής ποιότητας υλικά που θα σας εξυπηρετούν για τα επόμενα χρόνια. Είναι σχεδιασμένο με την τελευταία λέξη της τεχνολογίας έχοντας κατά νου τους πελάτες. Θα καλύψει τις ανάγκες σας και θα παρέχει κορυφαία ποιότητα σε προσιτή τιμή.</div> <p>\n<br /></p><div class="full-description">Θέση τοποθέτησης: Μπροστινός άξονας</div>
339737 <div class="short-description"><strong><span>Coil DELPHI GN10547-12B1 HONDA</span></strong><span> manufactured by</span><strong><span>DELPHI</span> span></strong><span> This product is made of high quality materials that will serve you for years to come. It is designed with the latest technology with customers in mind. It will meet your needs and provide top quality at an affordable price.</span></div> \n<div class="full-description"><span>Voltage [V]: 12</span> \n<span>Number of busy contacts: 3</span></div>
339739 <h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">LANCIA Y 1995-2003</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons ui-state-hover ui-state-focus">Y10 1985-1995</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Ypsilon 2003-2011</h3> \nFIAT \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-accordion-icons ui-accordion-header-active ui-state-active ui-corner-top">Cinquecento 1991-1999</h3> \n<div class="ui-accordion-content ui-helper-reset ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom ui-accordion-content-active"> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li><b>Gasoline engine</b> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li class="chkbrandmodeltype">1100cc Sporting 54ps 54HP \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-accordion-icons ui-accordion-header-active ui-state-active ui-corner-top">Panda Van 2004-2013</h3> \n<div class="ui-accordion-content ui-helper-reset ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom ui-accordion-content-active"> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li><b>Gasoline engine</b> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li class="chkbrandmodeltype">1100cc 54ps 54HP \n </li><li class="chkbrandmodeltype">1200cc 60ps 60HP \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-accordion-icons ui-corner-all">Punto 176 1993-1999</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Punto 188 1999-2005</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Punto Cabrio 1994-2000</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Punto Van 1996-2000</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Punto Van 2000-2009</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons ui-state-hover ui-state-focus">Seicento 1998-2010</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Strada 1998-2009</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Uno 1983-2006</h3> \n \n</li></ul> \n \n</li></ul> \n</div> \n</li></ul> \n \n</li></ul> \n</div>
339742 <h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">500 2007-2012</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">500 Cabrio 2007-2011</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons ui-state-hover ui-state-focus">Panda 2003-2011</h3> \n<h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-accordion-icons">Panda Van 2004-2013</h3>
339747 <ul class="product_attributes"><li> \n </li><li class="attr_200000203"><b>Μήκος [Mm]</b>: 255 mm \n </li><li class="attr_200000206"><b>Πλάτος [Mm]</b>: 173 mm \n </li><li class="attr_200000209"><b>Υψος [Mm]</b>: 44 mm \n </li><li class="attr_200000826"><b>Παραλλαγή Φίλτρου</b>: Στοιχείο φίλτρου \n</li></ul>
339759 <ul class="list-group col-md-6"><li> \n </li><li class="list-group-item flex-column align-items-start"> \n<div class="dimension d-flex justify-content-between"> \n<ul class="compatibilities overflow-auto"><li> \n </li><li> \n<h4>KAESER</h4> \n<div class="list d-flex flex-wrap"><span class="me-3"><a href="">CSDX 165</a></span><span class="me-3"><a href="">CSDX 162</a></span><span class="me-3"><a href="">CSDX 137</a></span><span class="me-3"><a href="">CSD 125</a></span><span class="me-3"><a href="">CSD 125</a></span><span class="me-3"><a href="">CSD 100</a></span><span class="me-3"><a href="">CSD 100</a></span><span class="me-3"><a href="">ASD 140 SFC/T</a></span></div> \n</li></ul> \n<h4 title="H1">H1 (mm)</h4> \n<div class="line flex-grow-1"></div> \n460.0</div> \n </li><li class="list-group-item flex-column align-items-start"> \n<div class="dimension d-flex justify-content-between"> \n<h4 title="D1">D1 (mm)</h4> \n<div class="line flex-grow-1"></div> \n328.0</div> \n</li></ul> \n<ul class="list-group col-md-6"><li> \n </li><li class="list-group-item flex-column align-items-start"> \n<div class="dimension d-flex justify-content-between"> \n<h4 title="D2">D2 (mm)</h4> \n<div class="line flex-grow-1"></div> \n274.0</div> \n </li><li class="list-group-item flex-column align-items-start"> \n<div class="dimension d-flex justify-content-between"> \n<h4 title="D3">D3 (mm)</h4> \n<div class="line flex-grow-1"></div> \n210.0</div> \n</li></ul>
339770 <table class="table"><tbody><tr><td><span>Ρουλεμάν αποδέσμευσης συμπλέκτη LuK 510 0025 11</span></td><td class="text-center">1</td><td><span>Αριθμός οπών στερέωσης: 3</span></td></tr><tr><td class="text-center">2</td><td><span>Σετ συμπλέκτη LuK 624 3476 09</span></td><td class="text-center"><span>1</span></td><td><span>Διάμετρος [mm]: 240</span></td></tr></tbody></table>
339771 <ul><li> \n </li><li><b>ALFA ROMEO</b>: 71 73 98 67 \n </li><li><b>CHRYSLER</b>: 04887 030 \n </li><li><b>DODGE</b>: 04887 030 \n </li><li><b>FIAT</b>: 71 73 98 67 \n </li><li><b>HONDA</b>: 98079-5514G \n </li><li><b>HONDA</b>: 98079-5514G-01 \n </li><li><b>ISUZU</b>: 5-8600-3122-0 \n </li><li><b>LANCIA</b>: 71 73 98 67 \n </li><li><b>MAZDA</b>: F287-18-110 \n </li><li><b>MAZDA</b>: F293-18-110 \n </li><li><b>MAZDA</b>: 0000-18-F287 \n </li><li><b>MAZDA</b>: 1Y0G-18-110 \n </li><li><b>MAZDA</b>: F8B3-18-110 \n </li><li><b>MITSUBISHI</b>: MD 331 057 \n </li><li><b>MITSUBISHI</b>: MD 362 097 \n </li><li><b>MITSUBISHI</b>: MD 362 098 \n </li><li><b>TOYOTA</b>: 90098-66066 \n </li><li><b>MERCURY</b>: 855 717 1 \n </li><li><b>HYUNDAI</b>: 18829-11050 \n </li><li><b>KIA</b>: 18829-11050 \n </li><li><b>FERRARI</b>: 71 73 98 67 \n </li><li><b>MASERATI</b>: 71 73 98 67 \n </li><li><b>LEXUS</b>: 90098-66066 \n </li><li><b>ABARTH</b>: 71 73 98 67 \n</li></ul>
339775 Chevrolet, Ford, Mazda, Morgan, Volvo \n<table class="table table-striped"><thead><tr><th class="text-center gS4r1">ΤΕΧΝΙΚΆ</th></tr></thead><tbody class="gAaExtraInfo"><tr class="itinfo"><td class="gS4r2cN">Εξωτερικό σπείρωμα [mm]</td><td class="gS4r2cN">14,0</td></tr><tr class="itinfo"><td class="gS4r2cN">Θέση σπινθήρα [mm]</td><td class="gS4r2cN">3</td></tr><tr class="itinfo"><td class="gS4r2cN">Μπουζί</td><td class="gS4r2cN">Κεντρικό ηλεκρόδιο νικελίου</td></tr><tr class="itinfo"><td class="gS4r2cN">Μπουζί</td><td class="gS4r2cN">χωρίς παράσιτα 5kOhm</td></tr><tr class="itinfo"><td class="gS4r2cN">Μπουζί</td><td class="gS4r2cN">με κωνική έδρα</td></tr><tr class="itinfo"><td class="gS4r2cN">Μπουζί</td><td class="gS4r2cN">1-ηλεκτρόδιο γείωσης</td></tr><tr class="itinfo"><td class="gS4r2cN">Μπουζί</td><td class="gS4r2cN">Σταθερή SAE σύνδεση</td></tr><tr class="itinfo"><td class="gS4r2cN">Μήκος σπειρώματος [mm]</td><td class="gS4r2cN">25</td></tr><tr class="itinfo"><td class="gS4r2cN">Άνοιγμα κλειδιού</td><td class="gS4r2cN">16 mm</td></tr></tbody></table>
339778 <div class="aside-main-table__tr"> \n<div class="aside-main-table__td"><span>Μάρκα</span></div> \n<div class="aside-main-table__td"><a href=""><span>FERODO</span></a></div> \n</div> \n<div class="aside-main-table__tr"> \n<div class="aside-main-table__td"><span>Τύπος</span></div> \n<div class="aside-main-table__td"><span>ΤΑΚΑΚΙΑ ΦΡΕΝΩΝ</span></div> \n</div> \n<div class="aside-main-table__tr"> \n<div class="aside-main-table__td"><span>Μηχανισμός φρένων</span></div> \n<div class="aside-main-table__td"><a href=""><span>τύμπανο</span></a></div> \n</div> \n<div class="aside-main-table__tr"> \n<div class="aside-main-table__td"><span>Τοποθέτηση</span></div> \n<div class="aside-main-table__td"><a href=""><span>πίσω άξονας</span></a></div> \n</div> \n<div class="aside-main-table__tr"> \n<div class="aside-main-table__td"><span>μάρκα αυτοκινήτου</span></div> \n<div class="aside-main-table__td"><a href=""><span>Διάταγμα</span></a></div> \n</div> \n<div class="aside-main-table__tr"> \n<div class="aside-main-table__td"><span>Διάμετρος</span></div> \n<div class="aside-main-table__td"><span>180 χλστ</span></div> \n</div> \n<div class="aside-main-table__tr"> \n<div class="aside-main-table__td"><span>Πλάτος</span></div> \n<div class="aside-main-table__td"><span>32 χλστ</span></div> \n</div> \n<div class="aside-main-table__tr"> \n<div class="aside-main-table__td"><span>Σύστημα πέδησης</span></div> \n<div class="aside-main-table__td"><span>AP Lockheed</span></div> \n</div>
339779 <span class="pkw-title__small"><strong><span>Σετ σιαγόνων φρένων 07680 LPR</span></strong></span> \n<div class="pkw-table"> \n<ul class="pkw-table__ul-yellow"><li> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item important"><span class="lf"><span>Πλάτος [mm]:</span></span><span class="rg"><span>30</span></span> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item important"><span class="lf"><span>Σύστημα πέδησης:</span></span><span class="rg"><span>AP Lockheed</span></span> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item"><span class="lf"><span>Διάμετρος τυμπάνου φρένων εσωτερικά [mm]:</span></span><span class="rg"><span>180</span></span> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item"><span class="lf"><span>Συμπληρωματικά άρθρα / Συμπληρωματικές πληροφορίες 2:</span></span><span class="rg"><span>Με μοχλό χειρόφρενου</span></span> \n</li></ul> \n<span class="pkw-table__title"><span>ΕΠΙΣΚΟΠΗΣΗ ΠΡΟΪΟΝΤΟΣ</span></span> \n<ul class="pkw-table__ul-white"><li> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item"><span class="pkw-table__ul-item-title"><a href=""><span>Σετ παπουτσιών φρένων από τον κατάλογο LPR</span></a></span> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item"><span class="first-col-param"><span>Αριθμός προϊόντος.  </span></span><span>07680</span> \n </li><li class="pkw-table__ul-item"><span class="first-col-param"><span>Χρήση αριθμού  </span></span><span>07680, 87680</span> \n</li></ul> \n</div>
339780 <ul class="show-more-height"><li> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="i1"><span>Μήκος [mm]:</span></span><span class="i2"><span>1365</span></span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="i1"><span>Αριθμός νευρώσεων:</span></span><span class="i2"><span>8</span></span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="i1"><span>Υλικό:</span></span><span class="i2"><span>Πολυεστέρας, EPDM (καουτσούκ μονομερούς αιθυλενοπροπυλενοδιενίου (κατηγορίας Μ))</span></span> \n </li><li><span class="i1"><span>Πλάτος [mm]:</span></span><span class="i2"><span>28,5</span></span> \n </li><li>VOLVO MERCEDES \n</li></ul>
339783 <ul class="list-group col-md-6"><li> \n </li><li class="list-group-item flex-column align-items-start"> \n<div class="dimension d-flex justify-content-between"> \n<h4 title="H1">H1 (mm)</h4> \n<div class="line flex-grow-1"></div> \n60.0</div> \n </li><li class="list-group-item flex-column align-items-start"> \n<div class="dimension d-flex justify-content-between"> \n<h4 title="H2">H2 (mm)</h4> \n<div class="line flex-grow-1"></div> \n50.0</div> \n</li></ul> \n<ul class="list-group col-md-6"><li> \n </li><li class="list-group-item flex-column align-items-start"> \n<div class="dimension d-flex justify-content-between"> \n<h4 title="D1">D1 (mm)</h4> \n<div class="line flex-grow-1"></div> \n585.0</div> \n </li><li class="list-group-item flex-column align-items-start"> \n<div class="dimension d-flex justify-content-between"> \n<h4 title="D2">D2 (mm)</h4> \n<div class="line flex-grow-1"></div> \n180.0</div> \n</li></ul>
387037 <p style="font-size:15px;">Modern Wooden Houses For Coastal Areas</p> <p style="font-size:15px;">Art Dru offers different, decorative and professional Woodwork for furnishing the environment where you live or your business. We work with variety and special attention to detail and in the processing and choice of colors, giving importance to decorative motifs and resistance. </p> <p></p>
387039 <p style="font-size:15px;">Holiday Homes For Mountainous Areas</p> <p style="font-size:15px;">Art Dru offers different, decorative and professional Woodwork for furnishing the environment where you live or your business. We work with variety and special attention to detail and in the processing and choice of colors, giving importance to decorative motifs and resistance. </p> <p></p>
387040 <p style="font-size:15px;">Small Holiday Home - Wooden Construction</p> <p style="font-size:15px;">Art Dru offers different, decorative and professional Woodwork for furnishing the environment where you live or your business. We work with variety and special attention to detail and in the processing and choice of colors, giving importance to decorative motifs and resistance. </p> <p><br /></p>
387041 <p style="font-size:15px;">Small Ecological Wooden House For Mountain Tourist Areas</p> <p style="font-size:15px;">Art Dru offers different, decorative and professional Woodwork for furnishing the environment where you live or your business. We work with variety and special attention to detail and in the processing and choice of colors, giving importance to decorative motifs and resistance. </p> <p></p>
387042 <p style="font-size:15px;">Alpine House With Wooden Construction</p> <p style="font-size:15px;">Art Dru offers different, decorative and professional Woodwork for furnishing the environment where you live or your business. We work with variety and special attention to detail and in the processing and choice of colors, giving importance to decorative motifs and resistance. </p> <p><br /></p>
387044 <p style="font-size:15px;">Interior Wooden Stairs For Home</p> <p style="font-size:15px;">Art Dru offers different, decorative and professional Woodwork for furnishing the environment where you live or your business. We work with variety and special attention to detail and in the processing and choice of colors, giving importance to decorative motifs and resistance. </p> <p><br /></p>
387045 <p style="font-size:15px;">House Shelter With Wooden Structure</p> <p style="font-size:15px;">Art Dru offers different, decorative and professional Woodwork for furnishing the environment where you live or your business. We work with variety and special attention to detail and in the processing and choice of colors, giving importance to decorative motifs and resistance. </p> <p></p>
387056 <p style="font-size:15px;">Decorative Wood Decking For Home Yard</p> <p style="font-size:15px;">Art Dru offers different, decorative and professional Woodwork for furnishing the environment where you live or your business. We work with variety and special attention to detail and in the processing and choice of colors, giving importance to decorative motifs and resistance. </p> <p></p>
387089 <p style="font-size:15px;">2-Storey House Built Of Wood</p> <p style="font-size:15px;">Art Dru offers different, decorative and professional Woodwork for furnishing the environment where you live or your business. We work with variety and special attention to detail and in the processing and choice of colors, giving importance to decorative motifs and resistance. </p> <p><br /></p>
387092 <p style="font-size:15px;">Wooden Houses With Custom Size</p> <p style="font-size:15px;">Art Dru offers different, decorative and professional Woodwork for furnishing the environment where you live or your business. We work with variety and special attention to detail and in the processing and choice of colors, giving importance to decorative motifs and resistance. </p> <p></p>
387093 <p style="font-size:15px;">Modern Wooden House</p> <p style="font-size:15px;">Art Dru offers different, decorative and professional Woodwork for furnishing the environment where you live or your business. We work with variety and special attention to detail and in the processing and choice of colors, giving importance to decorative motifs and resistance. </p> <p><br /></p>
387094 <p style="font-size:15px;">Wooden House With Two Floors</p> <p style="font-size:15px;">Art Dru offers different, decorative and professional Woodwork for furnishing the environment where you live or your business. We work with variety and special attention to detail and in the processing and choice of colors, giving importance to decorative motifs and resistance. </p> <p></p>
387096 <p style="font-size:15px;">Wooden Structure For Restaurant Outdoor Kitchens</p> <p style="font-size:15px;">Art Dru offers different, decorative and professional Woodwork for furnishing the environment where you live or your business. We work with variety and special attention to detail and in the processing and choice of colors, giving importance to decorative motifs and resistance. </p> <p></p>
387098 <p style="font-size:15px;">Wooden Cover For The Roof Of The Bar</p> <p style="font-size:15px;">Art Dru offers different, decorative and professional Woodwork for furnishing the environment where you live or your business. We work with variety and special attention to detail and in the processing and choice of colors, giving importance to decorative motifs and resistance. </p> <p></p>
391684 <p>Funeral Agency Genti Fier has been operating professionally for several years in the city of Fier and in every corner of Albania and Italy. Thanks to an experience and a tradition rooted in time, the company represents a guarantee in funeral services, offering accurate and measured in all circumstances. With courtesy and availability we help our clients in a painful moment such as bereavement, providing support and support in the moment that naturally follows the serious loss of a loved one. You can rely on us for the various funeral services, we will assist you with the usual professionalism and discretion, and we will do our best to relieve you of any further worries at what is already a difficult time. For more information or in case of mourning, you can contact us at any time: our staff will be at your disposal providing all the necessary support.</p>
391687 <p>Funeral Agency Genti Fier has been operating professionally for several years in the city of Fier and in every corner of Albania and Italy. Thanks to an experience and a tradition rooted in time, the company represents a guarantee in funeral services, offering accurate and measured in all circumstances. With courtesy and availability we help our clients in a painful moment such as bereavement, providing support and support in the moment that naturally follows the serious loss of a loved one. You can rely on us for the various funeral services, we will assist you with the usual professionalism and discretion, and we will do our best to relieve you of any further worries at what is already a difficult time. For more information or in case of mourning, you can contact us at any time: our staff will be at your disposal providing all the necessary support.</p>
391688 <p>Funeral Agency Genti Fier has been operating professionally for several years in the city of Fier and in every corner of Albania and Italy. Thanks to an experience and a tradition rooted in time, the company represents a guarantee in funeral services, offering accurate and measured in all circumstances. With courtesy and availability we help our clients in a painful moment such as bereavement, providing support and support in the moment that naturally follows the serious loss of a loved one. You can rely on us for the various funeral services, we will assist you with the usual professionalism and discretion, and we will do our best to relieve you of any further worries at what is already a difficult time. For more information or in case of mourning, you can contact us at any time: our staff will be at your disposal providing all the necessary support.</p>
391689 <p>Funeral Agency Genti Fier has been operating professionally for several years in the city of Fier and in every corner of Albania and Italy. Thanks to an experience and a tradition rooted in time, the company represents a guarantee in funeral services, offering accurate and measured in all circumstances. With courtesy and availability we help our clients in a painful moment such as bereavement, providing support and support in the moment that naturally follows the serious loss of a loved one. You can rely on us for the various funeral services, we will assist you with the usual professionalism and discretion, and we will do our best to relieve you of any further worries at what is already a difficult time. For more information or in case of mourning, you can contact us at any time: our staff will be at your disposal providing all the necessary support.</p>