    cscart_product_descriptions.short_description = '' 
    OR cscart_product_descriptions.short_description IS NULL, 
  ) AS full_description 
  cscart_product_descriptions.product_id IN (
    339678, 431132, 265042, 339796, 339541, 
    339477, 339457, 339700, 431202, 431162, 
    339811, 339489, 339458, 431128, 431099, 
    339623, 431155, 392172, 339453, 339797, 
    339606, 339798, 339699, 430639, 431141, 
    339643, 339469, 392167, 431130, 431168, 
    339482, 339685, 431153, 339730, 431154, 
    339731, 431137, 431096, 339463, 381703, 
    392175, 339709, 431124, 339460, 430637, 
    431125, 381725, 339478, 339468, 431094, 
    339467, 430745, 431146, 339810, 430911, 
    339753, 431134, 430640, 431048, 339696, 
    431033, 431187, 339806, 339805, 339757, 
    339794, 339701, 339808, 431191, 430697, 
    430767, 431067, 431117, 339464, 339787, 
    381701, 431157, 431104, 381687, 431090, 
    392166, 431107, 431116, 431204, 339452, 
    431196, 431065, 339752, 339814, 430744, 
    431084, 339695, 339750, 431203, 431176, 
    339656, 431100, 431199, 430655, 431160
  AND cscart_product_descriptions.lang_code = 'en'

Query time 0.00898

JSON explain

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    "table": {
      "table_name": "cscart_product_descriptions",
      "access_type": "range",
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      "key": "PRIMARY",
      "used_key_parts": [
      "key_length": "9",
      "rows_examined_per_scan": 100,
      "rows_produced_per_join": 100,
      "filtered": "100.00",
      "cost_info": {
        "read_cost": "120.18",
        "eval_cost": "20.00",
        "prefix_cost": "140.18",
        "data_read_per_join": "682K"
      "used_columns": [
      "attached_condition": "((`webmarco`.`cscart_product_descriptions`.`product_id` in (339678,431132,265042,339796,339541,339477,339457,339700,431202,431162,339811,339489,339458,431128,431099,339623,431155,392172,339453,339797,339606,339798,339699,430639,431141,339643,339469,392167,431130,431168,339482,339685,431153,339730,431154,339731,431137,431096,339463,381703,392175,339709,431124,339460,430637,431125,381725,339478,339468,431094,339467,430745,431146,339810,430911,339753,431134,430640,431048,339696,431033,431187,339806,339805,339757,339794,339701,339808,431191,430697,430767,431067,431117,339464,339787,381701,431157,431104,381687,431090,392166,431107,431116,431204,339452,431196,431065,339752,339814,430744,431084,339695,339750,431203,431176,339656,431100,431199,430655,431160)) and (`webmarco`.`cscart_product_descriptions`.`lang_code` = 'en'))"


product_id short_description full_description
265042 <p> Hyaluron filling pen without needles. </p> <p> It is a hyaluronic acid treatment without the use of needles that allows us to plump the lips as we wish, so the client will choose the volume and effect she prefers. </p> <p> Its duration varies from a minimum of 1 to 4 months. </p>
339457 <h4>Στάδιο ιξώδους SAE: 15W-40API: CJ-4, CI-4 +, CI-4, CH-4, CG-4, CF-4, CF; ACEA: E9, Ε7;</h4> <br /><h4>Caterpillar: ECF-2, ECF-3. Cummins: CES 20081, 77, 72,71.</h4> <br /><h4>Deutz: DQC III-10 LA. DDC: 93K218; IVECO:T2 E7 (Meets);</h4> <br /><h4>MACK: EO-O Premium Plus. JASO DH-2, ΜΑΝ: Μ3575; Έγκριση MB 228.31; MTU:</h4> <br /><h4>Κατηγορία 2.1. Renault Trucks: RLD-3, Volvo: VDS-4, VDS-3</h4>
339458 <h4>-Λιπαντικό υψηλής απόδοσης. Εγγυάται τριπλή δράση σε φθορά, επικαθήσεις, θερμότητα.</h4> <br /><h4>-Υπερκαλύπτει τις προδιαγραφές: ACEA Ε7/E5/Ε3, API CI-4/CH-4/CG-4/CF-4/CF/SL, JASO DH-1,</h4> <br /><h4>Caterpillar ECF-1-A/2,   Cummins CES20078/77/76/75/72/71,  DDC 93K215,  Deutz DQC III-10,   MACK EO-M/EO-M Plus,</h4> <br /><h4>MAN 3275-1, MB 228.3, MTU Category 2, Renault RLD-2, Volvo VDS-3.</h4>
339460 <h4>Υδραυλικό λάδι σχεδιασμένο με ιδιότητες κατά της φθοράς, προσφέρει οικονομική, αποδοτική και αξιόπιστη προστασία στις</h4> <br /><h4>περισσότερες εφαρμογές βιομηχανικού και κινητού εξοπλισμού.</h4> <br /><h4><strong>ΠΡΟΔΙΑΓΡΑΦΕΣ, ΕΓΚΡΙΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΣΤΑΣΕΙΣ:</strong> DIN 51524-2 (HLP), ISO 11158 (HM fluids)</h4>
339463 <div class="summary entry-summary"> <br /><div class="woocommerce-product-details__short-description"> <br /><h4><strong>API:</strong> CG-4/SJ</h4> <br /><h4><strong>ACEA:</strong> E2</h4> <br /></div> <br /><h4 class="product_meta"><span class="tagged_as">Ετικέτα: <a href="">TOTAL</a></span></h4> <br /><div class="woocommerce-tabs wc-tabs-wrapper"> <br /><div class="woocommerce-Tabs-panel woocommerce-Tabs-panel--description panel entry-content wc-tab"> <br /><h4>Λιπαντικό που αφορά βαρέα οχήματα με κινητήρες πετρελαίου.</h4> <br /><h4>Προδιαγραφές : ACEA E2, API CG-4/SJ, MAN: 271, MTU OIL:TYPE 1</h4> <br /></div> <br /></div> <br /></div> <br /><div class="wpex-clear-after-summary wpex-clear"></div> <br /> <br /><h2></h2> <br />
339464 <h4><strong>Υπερενισχυμενο μονότυπο λιπαντικό οδοντωτών τροχών με εξαιρετική συμπεριφορά σε υψηλές πιέσεις και καταπονήσεις. </strong></h4> <br /><h4><strong>ΠΡΟΔΙΑΓΡΑΦΕΣ API GL-5; MB-Approval 235.0;</strong></h4> <br /><h4><strong> MAN 342 Typ M1; ZF TE-ML 05A; 16C; 17B; 19B</strong></h4>
339467 <h4>Πολυχρηστικό λιπαντικό κατηγορίας “UTTO”, κατάλληλο για το υδραυλικό σύστημα, το σύστημα μετάδοσης κίνησης, το διαφορικό και τα εμβαπτιζόμενα φρένα αγροτικών και εκτός δρόμου μηχανημάτων. Προστατεύει από τη φθορά και τη διάβρωση και έχει άριστες τριβολογικές ιδιότητες. Το προϊόν ΔΕΝ είναι κατάλληλο για χρήση ως λάδι κινητήρα.</h4> <br /><h4><strong>ΠΡΟΔΙΑΓΡΑΦΕΣ & ΕΓΚΡΙΣΕΙΣ ΕΠΙΣΗΜΩΝ ΚΑΤΑΣΚΕΥΑΣΤΩΝ</strong></h4> <br /><h4><strong>Επίπεδο απόδοσης /Εγκρίσεις</strong> <br />API GL-4, Case MS 1205/6/7/9/10, Case MAT 3505, MAT 3509 (MS 1230), Ford/New Holland FNHA-2-C-200.00, Ford/New Holland FNHA-2-C 201.00 (A), White Farm (AGCO) Q-186, Massey Ferguson M 1135/1141/1143/1145, Ford M2C-134 A/B/C/D, M2C 86 B/C, M2C-43, M2C-159B, John Deere J20 A/B/C/D, J14 B/C, J21A, ZF TE-ML 03E, 05F, 06E, 06K, 17E, Kubota UDT, Steiger SEMS 17001, Versatile 23M, 24M, Volvo VME, Volvo CE WB 101, Allison C3, C4</h4>
339468 <h4>To R6LM 10w/40 είναι ένα από τα καλύτερα λιπαντικά της shell, συνθετικό, για διαστήματα αλλαγής έως και 120.000 χιλιόμετρα σε ιδανικές συνθήκες. <br />Καλύπτει όλα τα Euro class μέχρι και Euro 6. <br />Ενσωματώνει την ειδική τεχνολογία προσθέτων low saps καθώς και πατενταρισμένη φόρμουλα κατά της φθοράς του κινητήρα, που έχουν ως αποτέλεσμα</h4> <br /><h4>την μεγάλη διάρκεια ζωής του κινητήρα, αλλά και του λιπαντικού. <br />Ειδικευμένο για μεγάλα διαστήματα αλλαγών λιπαντικού και χαμηλή κατανάλωση καυσίμου.</h4> <br /><h4>• Προδιαγραφές: ACEA: E7, , API: CI-4, CH-4, CG-4, CF, Caterpillar, ECF-1-A, Cummins: CES 20077 DAF, Meets ACEA , I MACK EO-N, MAN: 3477, 3271-1, MB Έγκριση για: 228.51, 226.9, MTU: Category 3.1, Renault Trucks RD-2, Volvo: CNG, VDS-3 • Πληροί προδιαγραφές: JASO DH-2</h4>
339469 <h4>Υψηλής απόδοσης έτοιμο προς χρήση αντιψυκτικό υγρό κινητήρων με βάση την αιθυλενογλυκόλη.</h4> <br /><h4>Bασισμένο σε υβριδική. τεχνολογία αναστολέων διάβρωσης (HOAT)</h4> <br /><h4 class="h6">Χαρακτηριστικά     Λίτρα 20</h4> <br /><dl class="data-sheet"> <dt class="name"> <br /></dt></dl><h4>Σειρά Προϊόντος Anti-Freeze Έκδοση Premium</h4> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /><h4>Προδιαγραφή</h4> <br /> <br /> <br /><h4>AFNOR NF R15-601</h4> <br /><h4>ASTM D3306</h4> <br /><h4>ASTM D4656</h4> <br /><h4>ASTM D4985</h4> <br /><h4>BMW:GS 9400</h4> <br /><h4>BS 6580:2010</h4> <br /><h4>BT-PS-606 A</h4> <br /><h4>CUMMINS:85T8-2</h4> <br /><h4>DCSEA 615/C</h4> <br /><h4>E/L-1415B</h4> <br /><h4>FS 6850-0951</h4> <br /><h4>FSD 8704</h4> <br /><h4>FW HEFT R443</h4> <br /><h4>JASO M325</h4> <br /><h4>JIS K 2234</h4> <br /><h4>MAN:324 NF</h4> <br /><h4>MB:325,0</h4> <br /><h4>MB:325,2</h4> <br /><h4>MTU:MTL 5048</h4> <br /><h4>NATO S-759</h4> <br /><h4>PERKINS</h4> <br /><h4>PN-C40007</h4> <br /><h4>SAE J1034</h4> <br /><h4>VOLVO:128</h4> <br /> <br />
339477 <h4>Synthetic engine oil Toyota 5W-30, 1L/08880-80846</h4> <br /><h4>API SL/CF; ACEA A5/B5 oil suitable for non-hybrid Lexus</h4> models
339478 <h4>Mazda Original Oil Ultra 5W-30 is a powerful, modern, synthetic engine oil of the latest generation that offers lower engine wear and reduced fuel consumption by 6.5%.</h4> <br /><h4>Mazda Original Oil Ultra 5W-30 engine oil keeps the engine stable and high at all intervals.</h4> <br /><h4>Oil provides optimal wear protection and contributes to longer engine life.</h4> <br /><h4>Its composition is more environmentally friendly. Also recommended for rotary engines, RX-8</h4> <br /><h4>ACEA A5</h4> <br /><h4>ACEA B5</h4> <br /><h4>CF API</h4> <br /><h4>API SL</h4>
339482 <div>ΑΝΤΙΨΥΚΤΙΚΟ-ΑΝΤΙΘΕΡΜΙΚΟ-ΠΑΡΑΦΛΟΥ G12 Red - Κόκκινο-Ρόζ - ΕΤΟΙΜΟ ΠΡΟΣ ΧΡΗΣΗ</div> <br /><div>Το VALEO Protectiv 50 είναι ένα υγρό διάλυμα ειδικής σύνθεσης με σκοπό</div> <br /><div>να προστατεύει τον κινητήρα απο την υπερθέρμανση (+140°C) ,</div> <br /><div>την παγοποίηση (-35°C) και τη διάβρωση.</div> <br /><div>Δεν περιέχει αμίνες , νιτρώδη ή φωσφωρικά άλατα.</div> <br /><div></div> <br /><div>Υψηλή προστασία με την εγγύηση της Valeo</div> <br /><div> <br /><div>G12</div> <br /><div>VW TL 774 D/F</div> <br /><div>DAIMLER DBL 7700.30</div> <br /><div>MAN 324-NF</div> <br /><div>MTU MTL 5048</div> <br /></div>
339489 <strong>ORLEN OIL CLASSIC MINERAL 15W-40 4,5L</strong> <br /><h3>Χαρακτηριστικό γνώρισμα</h3> <br />Υψηλής ποιότητας, ορυκτό, πολυβάθμιο λιπαντικό κινητήρα σχεδιασμένο για βενζινοκινητήρες και ελαφρούς κινητήρες ντίζελ που λειτουργούν σε καθημερινές συνθήκες οδήγησης. Η τεχνολογία λαδιών εγγυάται όχι μόνο τη βέλτιστη προστασία του κινητήρα σε όλες τις συνθήκες λειτουργίας, αλλά εξασφαλίζει επίσης άριστες παραμέτρους λαδιού, μειώνει τον κίνδυνο υπερβολικής φθοράς της βαλβίδας και ταυτόχρονα υψηλό έλεγχο απόθεσης. <br /> <br />Εγγυάται: <br />• λειτουργία του κινητήρα χωρίς αστοχίες σε όλες τις συνθήκες λειτουργίας <br />• αποτελεσματική καθαριότητα των εξαρτημάτων του κινητήρα <br />• αποτελεσματική στεγανοποίηση του εμβόλου - δακτυλίους εμβόλου - χιτώνιο κυλίνδρου <br />• προστασία από τη διάβρωση <br /><h3>Χρήση</h3> <br />Το PLATINUM CLASSIC MINERAL 15W-40 συνιστάται για χρήση σε επιβατικά αυτοκίνητα με κινητήρες βενζίνης και ντίζελ, καθώς και σε ελαφρά επαγγελματικά οχήματα και φορτηγά. Δημιουργημένο με γνώμονα κάθε οδηγό, είναι τέλειο για οχήματα που κινούνται στην κίνηση της πόλης καθώς και σε δρόμους ταχείας κυκλοφορίας. Προορίζεται για τη λίπανση κινητήρων που λειτουργούν υπό κανονικές συνθήκες λειτουργίας, τόσο το καλοκαίρι όσο και το χειμώνα. <br />Δεν υπάρχουν αντιρρήσεις για τη χρήση του λαδιού σε παλαιότερους τύπους κινητήρων, όπου ο κατασκευαστής συνιστά τη χρήση λιπαντικών χαμηλότερων κατηγοριών. <br />Η επιβεβαίωση του υψηλής ποιότητας λαδιού δεν είναι μόνο η βελτιωμένη τεχνολογία, αλλά και η εκπλήρωση των απαιτήσεων της Mercedes-Benz 229.1.
339541 <ul class="spec-list"><li> \n </li><li>ACEA A1/B1, A5/B5 \n </li><li>API SN/CF \n </li><li>ILSAC GF-4 \n </li><li>Συναντά το Ford WSS-M2C913-A/ WSS-M2C913-B/ WSS-M2C913-C/ WSS-M2C913-D \n</li></ul>
339606 <div class="product-block__description__title product-block__equal-height-wrap"> \n<div class="product-block__description__subtitle"><span class="subtitle-art-nummer">Αριθμός προϊόντος: W 712/83</span></div> \n</div> \n<div class="product-block__description__info"> \n<ul class="show-more-height"><li> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="i1">Υψος [mm]:</span><span class="i2">79</span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="i1">Διαστάσεις σπειρώματος:</span><span class="i2">3/4-16 UNF</span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="i1">Εσωτερική διάμετρος 2 [mm]:</span><span class="i2">63</span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="i1">Παραλλαγή φίλτρου:</span><span class="i2">Βιδωτό φίλτρο</span> \n </li><li><span class="i1">Πίεση ανοίγματος βαλβίδας παράκαμψης [bar]:</span><span class="i2">0,8</span> \n </li><li><span class="i1">Κωδικός του συνιστώμενου ειδικού εργαλείου:</span><span class="i2">LS 7</span> \n</li></ul> \n</div>
339623 ΦΙΛΤΡΟ ΛΑΔΙΟΥ AMC TO137 TOYOTA 9091503001
339643 <h4><strong><u>ΔΙΑΣΤΑΣΕΙΣ:</u></strong> \nA: 143mm \nH: 171mm</h4> \n<h4><strong><u>ΑΝΤΙΣΤΟΙΧΙΕΣ:</u></strong></h4> \n<h4 class="rich-stglpanel-header">VW GROUP (AUDI/SEAT/SKODA/VW)</h4> \n<table class="rich-table"><tbody><tr><td> \n<h4>6R0 129 620 A</h4> \n</td></tr></tbody></table>
339656 <table class="product__table" style="height:145px;"><tbody><tr class="product__table-row important-row"><td class="product__table-col left" style="text-align:left;"><strong>Παραλλαγή φίλτρου:</strong></td><td class="product__table-col right" style="text-align:center;"><strong>Στοιχείο φίλτρου</strong></td></tr><tr class="product__table-row important-row"><td class="product__table-col left"><strong>Υψος [mm]:</strong></td><td class="product__table-col right" style="text-align:center;"><strong>116</strong></td></tr><tr class="product__table-row important-row"><td class="product__table-col left"><strong>Διάμετρος [mm]:</strong></td><td class="product__table-col right" style="text-align:center;"><strong>89, 32</strong></td></tr><tr class="product__table-row"><td class="product__table-col left" style="text-align:left;"><strong>Κατάσταση:</strong></td><td class="product__table-col right" style="text-align:center;"><strong>νέο</strong></td></tr></tbody></table> \n<strong>DACIA</strong> \n \n<strong>MERCEDES-BENZ</strong> \n<div class="compatibility__maker"> \n<div class="compatibility__maker-title"><strong>NISSAN</strong></div> \n<div></div> \n</div> \n<div class="compatibility__maker"> \n<div class="compatibility__maker-title"><strong>RENAULT</strong></div> \n</div>
339678 <h4>VW G12+ VW TL 774 F \nMB 325.3 <span class="caps">FORD</span> 1 336 797 \nGM 1825M / 1899M</h4> \n<strong><span class="caps">ANTIFREEZE</span> <span class="caps">SWAG</span> G12+ 1.5L</strong>
339685 <ul class="show-more-height"><li> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="i1"><span>Mode of operation:</span></span><span class="i2"><span>electric</span> span></span> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="i1"><span>Adjustment side:</span></span><span class="i2"><span>to the fuel tank </span></span> \n </li><li><span class="i1"><span>BOSCH:</span></span><span class="i2"><span>Fuel supply adjustment</span></ span> \n </li><li><span class="i1"><span>Item Number:</span></span><span class="i2"><span>0 580 207 00K</span> </span> \n </li><li><span class="i1"><span>Our price:</span></span><span class="i2"><span>€234.08</span ></span> \n </li><li><span class="i1"><span>Manufacturer Part Number:</span></span><span class="i2"><span>0 580 207 00K</span ></span> \n </li><li><span class="i1"><span>Manufacturer:</span></span><span class="i2"><span>BOSCH</span></span> \n </li><li><span class="i1"><span>EAN Code:</span></span><span class="i2"><span>4047026530957</span></span > \n</li></ul>
339695 <ul class="criteria"><li> \n </li><li class="important"><span class="lf"><span>Height [mm]:</span></span><span class="rg"><b>< span>376.2</span></b></span> \n</li></ul> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li><span class="lf"><span>Diameter [mm]:</span></span><span class="rg"><span>242.3</span ></span> \n </li><li><span class="lf"><span>IDENTITY. 2[mm]:</span></span><span class="rg"><span>132.4, 10.5</span></span> \n</li></ul> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li><span class="lc"><span>Article Number</span></span><span class="rc"><span>PUR-HA0096</span></ span> \n </li><li><span class="lc"><span><span>OEM reference numbers:</span></span></span><span class="rc"><span> <span><span>393 561</span></span></span><span><span>,</span></span><span><span><span>173260</span>< /span></span><span><span>,</span></span><span><span><span>81 08304 0076</span></span></span></span> \n </li><li>IVECO - MAN \n</li></ul>
339696 <table class="a-keyvalue prodDetTable"><tbody><tr><td class="a-size-base prodDetAttrValue"><span>Alco Filter Gmbh</span></td></tr><tr ><th class="a-color-secondary a-size-base prodDetSectionEntry"><span>Brand</span></th><td class="a-size-base prodDetAttrValue"><span>Alco Filter< /span></td></tr><tr><th class="a-color-secondary a-size-base prodDetSectionEntry"><span>Item Weight</span></th><td class=" a-size-base prodDetAttrValue"><span>800g</span></td></tr><tr><th class="a-color-secondary a-size-base prodDetSectionEntry"><span>Size neck</span></th><td class="a-size-base prodDetAttrValue"><span>38 x 14.4 x 14 cm; 799.99g</span></td></tr><tr><th class="a-color-secondary a-size-base prodDetSectionEntry"><span>Product Model Number</span></th ><td class="a-size-base prodDetAttrValue"><span>MD-7544</span></td></tr><tr><th class="a-color-secondary a-size-base prodDetSectionEntry"><span>Manufacturer Part Number</span></th><td class="a-size-base prodDetAttrValue"><span>MD-7544</span></td></tr><tr ><th class="a-color-secondary a-size-base prodDetSectionEntry"><span>OEM Part Number</span></th><td class="a-size-base prodDetAttrValue"><span>ALFA ROMEO 71754778, FIAT 71754778, FORD 1930587, PERKINS 26510332, PERKINS 26510337</span></td></tr></tbody></table>
339699 Hydraulic system lubricants highly enhanced with special additives of high pressure and fluidity that ensure proper operation of the system under adverse conditions of high pressures and loads. They offer excellent protection against wear, corrosion and oxidation. Suitable for all hydraulic and circulation systems. operating at high pressures and high loads. They are specially designed for use in excavators and construction machinery. They contain a special additive that gives them a high viscosity index and high shear strength that make them ideal for use in machines with POCLAIN mechanisms. \n \n \n<h3 class="product_specification_title">Exceeds specification</h3> \nDIN 51524 HVLP PART III (ISO 32-100), DENISON: HF-O &HF-2, ANFOR: NFE 49-603 HM (ISI 22-150). VICKERS M-2950-S,CINCINNATI MILACRON P68.P69.P70, 32-46-68), J.I CASE: POLCAIN. \n \n
339700 Hydraulic system lubricants highly enhanced with special additives of high pressure and fluidity that ensure proper operation of the system under adverse conditions of high pressures and loads. They offer excellent protection against wear, corrosion and oxidation. Suitable for all hydraulic and circulation systems. operating at high pressures and high loads. They are specially designed for use in excavators and construction machinery. They contain a special additive that gives them a high viscosity index and high shear strength that make them ideal for use in machines with POCLAIN mechanisms. \n<h3 class="product_specification_title">Exceeds specification</h3> \nDIN 51524 HVLP PART III (ISO 32-100), DENISON: HF-O &HF-2, ANFOR: NFE 49-603 HM (ISI 22-150). VICKERS M-2950-S,CINCINNATI MILACRON P68.P69.P70, 32-46-68), J.I CASE: POLCAIN.
339701 ALLISON C3, CATERPILLAR TO-2, GM ATF Type A \n \n<a href="">Automatic Gear Oils</a>
339709 <table class="table"><tbody><tr class="row"><td><span>Parameter</span></td><td><span>SFE30X163A</span></td>< /tr><tr class="row"><td><span>Shock type</span></td><td><span>Gas pressure</span></td></tr><tr class="row"><td><span>Shock absorbers, such as</span></td><td><span>McPherson type shock absorbers</span></td></tr><tr class="row "><td><span>Shock, system</span></td><td><span>Twin pipe</span></td></tr><tr class="row"><td> <span>Shock, mount type</span></td><td><span>Top plug</span></td></tr></tbody></table> \n<ul><li> \n </li><li> \n<div class="auto compatibile"><span>FIAT PUNTO (188_) 1.2 Bipower (188BXA1A) (60 HP - 44 KW - from 08/2001 to 05/2003)</span></div> \n </li><li><i class="icon isCompatible"></i> \n<div class="auto compatibile"><span>FIAT PUNTO (188_) 1.2 Natural Power (60 HP - 44 KW - from 09/2003 to 03/2012)</span></div> \n </li><li><i class="icon isCompatible"></i> \n<div class="auto compatibile"><span>FIAT PUNTO (188_) 1.4 (95 HP - 70 KW - from 09/2003 to 03/2012)</span></div> \n </li><li><i class="icon isCompatible"></i> \n<div class="auto compatibile"><span>FIAT PUNTO (188_) 1.3 JTD 16V (70 HP - 51 KW - from 06/2003 to 03/2012)</span></div> \n </li><li><i class="icon isCompatible"></i> \n<div class="auto compatibile"><span>FIAT PUNTO (188_) 1.2 60 (188.030, .050, .130, .150, .230, .250) (60 HP - 44 KW - from 09/1999 to 12/2010)</span></div> \n </li><li><i class="icon isCompatible"></i> \n<div class="auto compatibile"><span>FIAT PUNTO (188_) 1.2 Bifuel (60 HP - 44 KW - from 08/2007 to 03/2012)</span></div> \n </li><li><i class="icon isCompatible"></i> \n<div class="auto compatibile"><span>FIAT PUNTO (188_) 1.2 16V 80 (188.233, .235, .253, .255, .333, .353, .639, ... (80 HP - 59 KW - from 09/1999 to 04/20)</span></div> \n </li><li><i class="icon isCompatible"></i> \n<div class="auto compatibile"><span>FIAT PUNTO Box / hatchback (188_) 1.2 60 (60 HP - 44 KW - from 02/2000 to 10/2009)</span></div> \n </li><li><i class="icon isCompatible"></i> \n<div class="auto compatibile"><span>FIAT PUNTO Box / hatchback (188_) 1.3 JTD (69 HP - 51 KW - from 06/2003 to 10/2005)</span></div> \n</li></ul>
339730 <span>Fully synthetic automatic transmission and power steering fluid with a high viscosity index that provides stability and minimizes friction in the most adverse conditions of high temperatures and loads. </span><span>Maximizes component life and inverter performance. </span><span>Suitable for automatic and semi-automatic transmissions, power steering and torque converters in all modern vehicles.</span> \n \nJEEP, DODGE & CHRYSLER.
339731 Synthetic lubricant specially designed for use in hypoid differentials with limited slip and conventional. Significantly reduces shaft noise and vibrations. It ensures excellent shear stability to maintain constant performance throughout the use of the lubricant. It ensures superior stability at high temperatures which increases the life of the axle and the oil. Provides effective abrasion resistance that ensures top protection in high load conditions and prevents wear of system components. Very good flow characteristics at low temperatures ensuring increased protection during start-up. \n<h3 class="product_specification_title">Exceeds specification</h3> \nAPI:GL-5,MIL-L2105D,MB 235.6, ZF-TE-ML 07A,08,16B-D,17B,21A,02A,02B,16A,17A, MAN 342 M2, VOLVO 1273.10 \n \n
339750 <table class="prod-attributes-small"><tbody><tr class="first odd"><th class="label"><span>Εξωτερική διάμετρος</span></th><td class="data last"><span>97 χλστ</span></td></tr><tr class="even"><th class="label"><span>Μέγεθος νήματος</span></th><td class="data last"><span>1 3/8-12 ΟΗΕ</span></td></tr><tr class="odd"><th class="label"><span>Μήκος</span></th><td class="data last"><span>240 χλστ</span></td></tr><tr class="even"><th class="label"><span>Ταυτότητα φλάντζας</span></th><td class="data last"><span>63 χλστ</span></td></tr><tr class="odd"><th class="label"><span>Μάρκα</span></th><td class="data last"><span>Duramax (R)</span></td></tr><tr class="even"><th class="label"><span>Τύπος πολυμέσων</span></th><td class="data last"><span>Κυτταρίνη</span></td></tr><tr class="last odd"><th class="label"><span>Στυλ</span></th><td class="data last"><span>Spin-On</span></td></tr></tbody></table> \n<table class="tab_table"><tbody><tr><td><a href="">BOBCAT 1600</a></td><td><a href="">BOBCAT 2000</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="">BOBCAT 2400</a></td><td><a href="">BOBCAT 2410</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href="">BOBCAT 645</a></td><td><a href="">BOBCAT 743</a></td></tr></tbody></table>
339753 <h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-accordion-icons ui-state-hover ui-state-focus ui-accordion-header-active ui-state-active ui-corner-top">A2 2000-2005</h3> \nIBIZA-CORDOBA-ALTEA-AROSA-LEON-TOLEDO \n \nFABIA-OCTAVIA \n \nBEETLE-BORA-CADDY-GOLF-LUPO-POLO
339757 Φίλτρο Hifi SA19689 Φίλτρα για συμπιεστές και αντλίες κενού σε ανθεκτική, στιβαρή βιομηχανική ποιότητα. Προσφέρουμε φυσίγγια διαχωρισμού λαδιού (διαχωριστές), φίλτρα λαδιού και φίλτρα αέρα.
339787 185/80-1370185-1370195/70-1370205/65-1370600-1370175/75-1470175/80-1470175-1470185/70-1470195/65-1470205/60-1470165/80-1570165-1570175/70-1570185/65-1570195/60-1570205/55-1570225/45-1570185/55-1670195/50-1670205/45-1670215/40-1670175/55-1770195/45-1770205/40-1770215/35-1770180/65-39070200/55-39070200/60-36570210/55-36570
339794 95/85-16235205/75-16235215/55-18235215/60-17235215/70-16235225/45-19235225/55-17235225/65-16235235/50-18235235/60-16235245/45-18235
339796 205/65-17.5240205/80-16240205-16240215/75-16240215/80-15240215-15240225/55-18240225/60-17240225/70-16240225/75-15240235/45-19240235/55-17240235/70-15240245/40-19240245/60-15240245/60-16240255/35-19240255/40-19240255/45-18240255/55-16240255/60-152406.50-162407.00-152407.00-17.5240
339797 <table><tbody><tr><td>215/80-16</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>215/85-16</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>215-16</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>225/65-17</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>225/75-16</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>225/80-15</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>235/55-18</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>235/60-17</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>235/65-16</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>235/75-15</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>245/45-19</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>245/50-18</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>255/45-19</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>255/50-17</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>255/50-18</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>255/60-16</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>255/65-15</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>28?9-15</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>6.50-17</td><td>245</td></tr><tr><td>650-16.5</td><td>245</td></tr></tbody></table>
339798 <table><tbody><tr><td>225/75-17.5</td><td>260</td></tr><tr><td>255/75-16</td><td>260</td></tr><tr><td>265/65-16</td><td>260</td></tr><tr><td>275/55-19</td><td>260</td></tr><tr><td>7.50-16</td><td>260</td></tr><tr><td>7-19.5</td><td>260</td></tr><tr><td>8.5-17.5</td><td>260</td></tr><tr><td>9.50-16.5</td><td>260</td></tr></tbody></table>
339805 ΑΝΤΙΟΛΙΣΘΗΤΙΚΟ ΠΑΝΙ ΧΙΟΝΙΟΥ ARO 74 XX-LARGE ARO - 2 ΤΕΜ. Αντιολισθητικά πανιά χιονιου
339806 <span>Το γράσο ρουλεμάν Jasol Grease ŁT 43 είναι ένα γράσο λιθίου που προορίζεται για τη λίπανση των</span> \n<span>ρουλεμάν κύλισης και ολίσθησης όλων των μηχανών που λειτουργούν στο εύρος θερμοκρασίας από -30 ° C έως + 130 ° C.</span> \n<span>Συνιστάται επίσης για χρήση σε νοικοκυριά, π.χ. για λίπανση</span> \n<span>ζευγών τριβής σε ποδήλατα, μοτοποδήλατα, εξοπλισμό κήπου και οικοπέδου, για λίπανση</span> \n<span>βιδών, μεντεσέδων πόρτας, θυρών κ.λπ. Το Jasol Grease ŁT 43 είναι ανθεκτικό στο νερό.</span> \n<h4><span>Πρότυπα, προδιαγραφές</span></h4> \n<span>NLGI: 3;</span> \n<span>DIN 51 502: K3K-30</span>
339808 <span>Το γράσο ρουλεμάν Jasol Grease EP 2 είναι ένα γράσο λιθίου που προορίζεται για τη λίπανση ρουλεμάν κύλισης</span> \n<span>που λειτουργούν υπό υψηλά ακτινικά, κρουστικά και αξονικά φορτία, π</span> \n<span>. Σχεδιασμένο για ατομικά</span> \n<span>και κεντρικά συστήματα λίπανσης, που λειτουργούν σε υψηλές θερμοκρασίες, για άντληση λίπους</span> \n<span>σε μικρές αποστάσεις. Το Jasol Grease EP είναι ανθεκτικό στο πλύσιμο με νερό και παρέχει προστασία</span> \n<span>από τη διάβρωση σε υγρό περιβάλλον.</span> \n \n<span>NLGI:2</span> \n<span>DIN 51 502: KP2K-20</span>
339810 <span>Το Castrol CRB Multi 15W-40 CI-4/E7 είναι ένα λάδι κινητήρα ντίζελ πολλαπλών χρήσεων, βαρέως τύπου. </span><span>Είναι κατάλληλο για χρήση σε υψηλές ταχύτητες 4χρονους κινητήρες ντίζελ που χρησιμοποιούν ένα ευρύ φάσμα ποιοτήτων καυσίμου. </span><span>Είναι επίσης συμβατό με κινητήρες ντίζελ εξοπλισμένους με συστήματα ανακύκλωσης καυσαερίων (EGR).</span> \n<table class="woocommerce-product-attributes shop_attributes"><tbody><tr class="woocommerce-product-attributes-item woocommerce-product-attributes-item--attribute_pa_specification"><td class="woocommerce-product-attributes-item__value"><span>ACEA E7, API CI-4/SL, CAT ECF-2, CES 20078, Cummins CES 20077, DDC Powerguard 93K215, DEUTZ DQC III-10, EO-N, MACK EO-M PLUS, MAN M3275-1, MB 228,3, MTU Oil Κατηγορία 2, RVI RLD-2 Volvo VDS 3</span></td></tr><tr class="woocommerce-product-attributes-item woocommerce-product-attributes-item--attribute_pa_range"><th class="woocommerce-product-attributes-item__label"><span>Εύρος</span></th><td class="woocommerce-product-attributes-item__value"><span>Λάδι κινητήρα Diesel βαρέως τύπου</span></td></tr></tbody></table>
339811 <div class="zastosowanie"> \n<div class="pl-pro"> \n<div class="ms-rtestate-field"><span>Το PLATINUM ULTOR CG-4 15W - 40 είναι ένα σύγχρονο λάδι κινητήρα SHPDO (Super High Performance Diesel Oil), που προορίζεται για τη λίπανση υπερτροφοδοτούμενων και μη πετρελαιοκινητήρων, ειδικά σε μεγάλα φορτηγά, λεωφορεία που λειτουργούν σε δύσκολες συνθήκες και εξοπλισμό κατασκευής.</span> \n<span>Είναι ένα λάδι που συνιστάται από κορυφαίους κατασκευαστές αυτοκινήτων για κινητήρες ντίζελ με φορτίο που πληρούν τις απαιτήσεις των Euro III, II, I.</span> \n<span>Έχει εξαιρετικές αντιφθορικές και αντιδιαβρωτικές ιδιότητες, εγγυάται παρατεταμένη διάρκεια ζωής και αποτρέπει το μπλοκάρισμα των δακτυλίων του εμβόλου.</span></div> \n</div> \n</div> \n<div></div> \n<div class="normy"> \n<h3 class="pl-pro"><span>Πρότυπα, εγκρίσεις, προδιαγραφές</span></h3> \n<div class="normycontent pl-pro"> \n<div class="ms-rtestate-field"> \n \n<span>MB – Έγκριση 228.3</span> \n<span>MAN M 3275-1</span> \n<span>Volvo VDS-2</span> \n<span>Renault RVI RD / RD-2</span> \n<span>TEDOM 258-3</span> \n<span>AVIA - Τύπος κινητήρα: 712, D407, D421.76, D421.85</span> \n \n<span>Πληροί τις απαιτήσεις:</span> \n<span>Scania (ισχύει για Scania Κινητήρες Euro III με διαστήματα αποστράγγισης λαδιού 60.000 km)</span> \n<span>MTU Type 2</span> \n<span>Deutz DQC-II-05</span> \n<span>Caterpillar ECF-1a</span> \n<span>DAF 2 I EUR 3</span> \n \n</div> \n</div> \n<div> \n<table class="table06"><tbody><tr><td><strong class="pl-pro"><span>Ποιότητα:</span></strong></td><td> \n<div class="ms-rtestate-field"><span>API: CG-4</span> \n<span>ACEA: E3 / B3 / B2 / A3</span></div></td></tr><tr><td><strong class="pl-pro"><span>Ιξώδες:</span></strong></td><td> \n<div class="ms-rtestate-field"><span>SAE: 15W-40</span></div></td></tr></tbody></table> \n</div> \n</div> \n<h3 class="pl-pro"><span>Φυσικοχημικές παράμετροι</span></h3> \n<table class="table06 first_bold"><tbody><tr><td><span>Παράμετροι</span></td><td><span>Μονάδα</span></td><td><span>Τυπικές τιμές</span></td></tr><tr><td><span>Βαθμός ιξώδους SAE</span></td><td><span>-</span></td><td><span>15W-40</span></td></tr><tr><td><span>Κινηματικό ιξώδες στους 100 </span><sup><span>°</span></sup><span> C</span></td><td><span>mm </span><sup><span>2</span></sup><span> / s</span></td><td><span>14.3</span></td></tr><tr><td><span>Ιξώδες HTHS στους 150 </span><sup><span>°</span></sup><span> C</span></td><td><span>mPa * s</span></td><td><span>4.0</span></td></tr><tr><td><span>Δείκτης ιξώδους</span></td><td><span>-</span></td><td><span>140</span></td></tr><tr><td><span>Σημείο ροής</span></td><td><sup><span>0</span></sup><span> C.</span></td><td><span>-35</span></td></tr><tr><td><span>Σημείο ανάφλεξης</span></td><td><sup><span>0</span></sup><span> C.</span></td><td><span>223</span></td></tr><tr><td><span>Αριθμός βάσης TBN</span></td><td><span>mg ΚΟΗ / g</span></td><td><span>10.5</span></td></tr><tr><td><span>Θειική τέφρα</span></td><td><span>%</span></td><td><span>1.5</span></td></tr><tr><td><span>Noack απώλεια εξάτμισης</span></td><td><span>% (m / m)</span></td><td><span>11.5</span></td></tr><tr><td><span>Σημείωση: Οι παραπάνω τιμές των φυσικών και χημικών παραμέτρων είναι τυπικές τιμές. Οι πραγματικές τιμές περιλαμβάνονται στα πιστοποιητικά ποιότητας που επισυνάπτονται σε κάθε παρτίδα του προϊόντος</span></td></tr></tbody></table>
339814 <div class="productinfo__sku"> \n<div class="productinfo__name">C 30 850/2</div> \n<div class="producticons"></div> \n</div> \n<div class="productname productname--productinfo">Φίλτρο αέρα</div> \n<div class="productinfo__manufacturer"><img class="productinfo__manufacturerimg" title="MANN-FILTER" src="" alt="BZ6Fvz7Zu3W5eP7uyVtf2k8YYgtmbpSQ.jpg" /></div> \n<div class="productinfo__technicaldesc"><span class="productinfo__technicaldesclabel">Τεχνική περιγραφή</span> \n<div class="producttechnicaldesc producttechnicaldesc--productinfo">Air filter (cartridge) fits: MAN F2000, F90, F90 UNTERFLUR, HELICON, HOCL, LION´S CITY, LION´S CLASSIC, LION´S COACH, LION´S COMFORT, LION´S STAR, M 2000 M, M90, NL, R, SG 740.50-OM442.979 04.73-</div> \n<div> \n<table class="datatable datatable--inverse datatable--inversebold"><tbody><tr class="datatable__rowtd"><td class="datatable__item">Ύψος</td><td class="datatable__item datatable__item--wrapped"><span class="productfeatures__valueitem is-editmode"><a class="productfeatures__linkfeature" href="">476.0 mm</a></span></td></tr><tr class="datatable__rowtd"><td class="datatable__item">Εξωτερική διάμετρος</td><td class="datatable__item datatable__item--wrapped"><span class="productfeatures__valueitem is-editmode"><a class="productfeatures__linkfeature" href="">303.0 mm</a></span></td></tr><tr class="datatable__rowtd"><td class="datatable__item">Εσωτερική διάμετρος</td><td class="datatable__item datatable__item--wrapped"><span class="productfeatures__valueitem is-editmode"><a class="productfeatures__linkfeature" href="">191.0 mm</a></span></td></tr><tr class="datatable__rowtd"><td class="datatable__item">Εσωτερική διάμετρος 2</td><td class="datatable__item datatable__item--wrapped"><span class="productfeatures__valueitem is-editmode"><a class="productfeatures__linkfeature" href="">10.5 mm</a></span></td></tr></tbody></table> \n</div> \n</div>
381687 <p style="font-size:20px;color:#0E2A47;" class="text-justify"><b>HORIZONTAL BLINDS - general presentation</b></p> <p style="font-size:20px;" class="text-justify">Aluminum horizontal blinds occupy an important place in the stylish arrangement of a modern interior, offering protection against heat and, at the same time, allowing the regulation of the flow of light by orienting the surface of the slats. Our company offers a wide variety of models and colors for horizontal blinds, this product being one of the most requested for interior shading. The horizontal blinds, in addition to the elegant appearance they give to the interior, ensure both solar protection and visual protection against prying eyes. </p> <p style="font-size:20px;" class="text-justify">The horizontal blinds made with imported aluminum are of exceptional quality ensuring a complete finish for interior design works. For PVC windows and Euro-windows, the ISSO aluminum blinds were specially designed, which are highlighted by their special design and long service life. This type of blinds was designed in such a way that it integrates perfectly with the window on which it is mounted. Horizontal blinds have an actuation mechanism that makes them easy to use. Cord or chain drives are available. The slats from which the horizontal blinds are produced are made of 24 mm aluminum strip and in a variety of special colors. </p> <p style="font-size:20px;" class="text-justify">We have available horizontal blinds with 25mm slats made in two different systems: </p> <p style="font-size:20px;color:#0E2A47;" class="text-justify"><b>STANDARD Horizontal blinds</b></p> <p style="font-size:20px;" class="text-justify">The STANDARD Horizontal blinds have a rectangular upper profile and can be mounted on thermal insulation, on the wall or on the ceiling.</p> <p style="font-size:20px;color:#0E2A47;" class="text-justify"><b>LUX Horizontal Blinds</b><span></span></p> <p style="font-size:20px;" class="text-justify">LUX horizontal blinds have a flat upper profile. The flat upper profile was specially designed so that the horizontal blinds can be mounted between the battens of the double glazing. </p> <p></p>
381701 <p style="font-size:20px;color:#0E2A47;"><strong>PVC carpentry - VEKA - SOFTLINE 82</strong></p> <p style="font-size:20px;color:#0E2A47;">VEKA profile:<strong></strong> </p> <p style="font-size:20px;">VEKA systems are internationally recognized both for the quality of its profiles, exclusive class A (according to SR EN 12608), and for its services, uniform all over the world. </p> <p style="font-size:20px;">Over the course of more than 40 years, VEKA manages to become an active and renowned manufacturer on the world market, a leader in the segment of PVC systems intended for the production of heat-insulating carpentry.</p> <p style="font-size:20px;">Due to the solid construction and the harder PVC, the heat-insulating joinery made of class A profiles have a longer life than other lower classes of pvc profiles. The PVC profile is the main component of a window and must support both the weight of the glass package and the fixing of the hardware. This must be done both during the high temperatures of the warm season and following the freeze-thaw cycles of the winter period. Thus, thanks to the 3 mm thickness of the outer walls of the profile, under normal use conditions, class A joinery can have an estimated lifespan of over 50 years.</p> <p style="font-size:20px;">Any product based on a class A profile from VEKA is a safe investment in traditional German quality.</p> <p style="font-size:20px;">The products and services available in Romania can meet the most demanding requests and specific needs from architects, builders, real estate developers, as well as the final beneficiaries. The exceptional quality of the products in the portfolio, as well as a set of solid values built around the concepts of partnership and responsibility, keep VEKA in the position of world leader in the industry of PVC profiles intended for the production of thermally insulating glazed windows or doors with thermally insulating glass consisting of 2 or 3 sheets glass.</p> <p>  </p> <p style="font-size:20px;color:#0E2A47;"><b>SOFTLINE 82</b> </p> <p style="font-size:20px;">SOFTLINE 82 has all the properties of the SOFTLINE range, to which is also added the optimization of thermal insulation performance.</p> <p style="font-size:20px;">SOFTLINE 82 is a hexa-chamber profile with a depth of 82 mm, three sealing gaskets and an internal structure divided into 7 insulation chambers in the frame and 6 chambers in the sash. </p> <p style="font-size:20px;">The SOFTLINE 82 system has an elegant design with rounded edges.</p> <p style="font-size:20px;">With the SOFTLINE 82 system, all types of windows can be made, including parallel sliding ones. The system is complete and contains the entire range of auxiliary profiles.</p> <p style="font-size:20px;">The thermal insulation coefficient, up to Uw = 0.67 W/m2K, can be obtained depending on the type of thermal insulating glazing used..</p> <p style="font-size:20px;">The thickness of the external walls of 3 mm strictly complies with the provisions of the highest quality standard RAL "Class A" and corresponds to the European regulation SR EN 12608</p> <p style="font-size:20px;">The stiffeners are made with galvanized steel of at least 1.5 mm, ensuring the window's stability and long-term operation. Due to the configuration of the fold, it is possible to install glazing from 24 mm to 52 mm.</p> <p style="font-size:20px;">Due to its high-performance insulating properties, SOFTLINE 82 is the ideal solution if you want low energy consumption for your home or passive houses.</p> <p style="font-size:20px;">The SOFTLINE 82 system is available in a varied range of RAL colors, in wood imitations or in heat-refractory metal foils, on both sides, only outside or only inside.</p> <p></p>
381703 <p style="font-size:20px;color:#0E2A47;"><b>SWINGLINE </b> </p> <p style="font-size:20px;">SWINGLINE is a five-chamber profile with a depth of 70 mm, two sealing gaskets.</p> <p style="font-size:20px;">The SWINGLINE five-chamber system has a rounded design and with this system, all constructive types of carpentry with interior opening can be made, including sliding windows in a parallel plane.</p> <p style="font-size:20px;">The optimal thermal insulation values, up to Uw of 1.0 W/m2K, can be obtained depending on the type of thermal insulating glazing used.</p> <p style="font-size:20px;">The thickness of the external walls of 3 mm complies with the provisions of the highest quality standard RAL "Class A" and corresponds to the European regulation SR EN 12608.</p> <p style="font-size:20px;">The stiffeners are made with galvanized steel of at least 1.5 mm, ensuring the window's stability and long-term operation. Due to the configuration of the fold, glazing from 6 mm to 42 mm is possible.</p> <p></p>
381725 <p>Makina RV camping për dy persona 20 euro.</p> <p>Fëmijet nën 6 vjec falas.</p> <p>Ne ofrojmë një vend të mirë dhe të sigurt për të qëndruar gjatë natës. Ne gjithashtu shërbejmë mëngjes, drekë dhe darka. Këtu mund të gjeni energji elektrike, ujë të pijshëm, internet, shkarkime për tualete me ujë gri dhe kimike, gjithashtu mund të përdorni dushe, tualete dhe lavatriçe makinë.</p> <p>Shërbimet që vijnë të përfshira për makinat:</p> <ul><li>Internet </li><li>Ujë I pijshem </li><li>Elekticitet </li><li>Tualetet </li><li>Lavanteri </li><li>Dush </li><li>Ambient për zgarë</li><li>Shkarkimi I ujrave të zeza dhe të bardha </li></ul> <p><br /></p>
392166 <p>Berat - Divjak Karavastas Park.</p> <p>Departure at 06.30 in front of the Kopliku Travel agency</p> <p>Continuation of the road towards the city of Berat, stop at the exit of Kavaja, arrival around 08.00, staying 30 minutes for drinking a coffee, eating breakfast.</p> <p>8:30 a.m. departure to the beautiful city of Berat, arrival at 10:00 a.m., stay until 1:30 p.m.<br /></p><p>Berat, the city of antiquity, the Middle Ages and modernity, of yesterday, today and the future, of history, culture and national pride. crossed by the Osum River and surrounded by hills and mountains, where Tomorri stands out, declared a national park.</p> <p>1:30 p.m. We continue our way to the Karavastas Park, stay 2 hours and continue our way to the beautiful city of Shkodra.</p> <p>For reservations write us or contact us.</p> <p>Satisfied customers are our best advertisement!</p> <p>For reservations you can visit our agency:</p> <p>"KOPLIKU TRAVEL" Tourist Agency</p> <p>At the Migjeni Theater, the new Shkodër Field Palace</p> <p>Or you can contact the following numbers:</p> <p>Phone & Fax: +355 222 50370</p> <p>Cell: +355 682031125</p> <p>Cell: +355 682031124</p> <p>Cell: +355 683248316</p> <p>Cell: +355 674447720</p> <p></p> <p><br /></p> <p><br /></p> <p><br /></p>
392167 <p>Every Tuesday</p> <p>We leave at 6:30</p> <p>We leave at 13:30</p> <p>We invite you to travel with us, to the place where it gives peace to the Spirit. The trips are made with our very comfortable vehicles.</p> <p>For reservations, come to the office or you can contact us at the address and number below.</p> <p>Satisfied customers are our best advertisement!</p> <p>For reservations, you can come to our agency:</p> <p>"KOPLIKU TRAVEL" Tourist Agency</p> <p>At the Migjeni Theater, the new Shkodër Field Palace</p> <p>Or you can contact the following numbers:</p> <p>Phone & Fax: +355 222 50370<br /></p> <p>Cell: +355 682031125</p> <p>Cell: +355 682031124</p> <p>Cell: +355683248316</p> <p>Cell: +355 674447720</p> <p>E-mail:</p> <p></p>
392172 <p>THESSALONIKI - ISTANBUL</p> <p>Visits: Istanbul and Thessaloniki.</p> <p>Accommodation: 2 and 3 Nights in Istanbul.</p> <p>Breakfast at the Hotel.</p> <p>Round Trip Transport and Bus Tours,</p> <p>Albanian companion during the trip</p> <p>For reservations you can visit our agency:</p> <p>"KOPLIKU TRAVEL" Tourist Agency</p> <p>At the Migjeni Theater, the new Shkodër Field Palace</p> <p>Or you can contact the following numbers:</p> <p>Phone & Fax: +355 222 50370<br /></p><p>Cell: +355 682031125</p> <p>Cell: +355 682031124</p> <p>Cell: +355683248316</p> <p>Cell: +355 674447720</p> <p>E-mail:</p> <p><br /></p>
392175 <p>THESSALONIKI - ISTANBUL 4 Days</p> <p>Visits: Istanbul and Thessaloniki.</p> <p>Accommodation: 2 and 3 Nights in Istanbul.</p> <p>Breakfast at the Hotel.</p> <p>Round Trip Transport and Bus Tours,</p> <p>Albanian companion during the trip</p> <p>For reservations you can visit our agency:</p> <p>"KOPLIKU TRAVEL" Tourist Agency</p> <p>At the Migjeni Theater, the new Shkodër Field Palace</p> <p>Or you can contact the following numbers:</p> <p>Phone & Fax: +355 222 50370<br /></p> <p>Cell: +355 682031125</p> <p>Cell: +355 682031124</p> <p>Cell: +355683248316</p> <p>Cell: +355 674447720</p> <p>E-mail:</p> <p> </p> <p><br /></p> <p><br /></p>